Monday, October 31, 2005

Guest Commentary

Red Dog's policy is if you want to write a guest commentary send it to the e-mail contact on the right. This comes from a fellow blogger and speaks for itself. Please make any comments you wish, I'm sure the author would appreciate feedback. We may not all be journalists, but we can all say what we want and the more Greenvillians speak their minds the sooner the city can make a turn. Thanks to the Author.

How can a "for profit" media company or companies have any chance of surviving when the advertising base is so miniscule that offending less than two dozen stores/companies can wreck business?

It's an ethical question deserving of intense study. At what point must an organization trade some non-objectivity for pure survival?

Trust me, I've been there and done that - emphasis on "done that." First, there's no chance a writer, editorialist, etc. can speak freely as they're paid or as readers expect. It's not that local business won't back a media outlet that tells it straight, it's that the testing of a harder-on-society brand of news hasn't been tested. "Shedding light" on topics makes a huge difference societally.

I'm not talking the day to day crime coverage - that's petty and disheartening. I'm talking about the deeper stories that reflect society.

I'm talking about the grandparents around T.L. Weston who have slept on the floors at night so bullets flying through their windows can be dodged.

I'm talking about street reports of Greenville police officers shooting dice in the Nelson-street area gambling parlors.

I'm talking about the fact that many of 2002 "record setting" murders were the killings of local drug informants - outted by leaks from the "inside" and ultmately unprotected in some cases.

I'm talking about the latest, and greatest, vehicles seen pulling up at the DHS for the monthly welfare check.

I'm talking about rampant income tax fraud or child swapping for the Earned Income Tax Credit.

I'm talking about a common belief that a girl is "grown" whenever her body allows her to get pregnant, thus opening the Earned Income Tax Credit funds for her (which is much of what it's about).

I'm talking about parents whose kids stay up all night, often alone, and barely make it to school.

I'm talking about Deltans who won't register to vote for "fear" of being called to jury duty - then complaining about the local judicial system.

I'm talking about substandard housing which the city silently endorses and its "Lords" that earn local praise for their "commitment to the communities in which they live."

I'm talking about dilapidated homes which aren't appropriately labeled because someone lives in the house.

I'm talking about the process by which Greenvillle leaders select their department heads, namely, police chiefs.

I'm talking about the never discussed rivalry between Washington County and Greenville City leaders.

I'm talking about a public school board and its taxation and fiscal policy.
I'm talking about worker training issues - the giant elephant in the room of every economic development meeting.

I'm talking about industrial incentives that don't require any commitment from the incoming company - as Textron's short stay exposed.

I'm talking about the real track record of industrial leaders - a win/loss record over the long-term policy of factual vagueness.

I'm talking about local election improprieties that are 100% swept under the rug like decades past.

I'm talking about non-assuming ministers and community leaders who work hard in the streets - not just in front of cameras.

I'm talking about city initiatives that never offer a final result because it's better an issue die than it be defeated.

I'm talking about a rubber stamp city council that follows the city manager (though it's apparent they hired him because he held more knowledge from Kentucky than did current leadership in some cases)

I'm talking about property valuation continually rising despite mass exodus of residents (1% a year) and a complete buyer's market for existing homes.

I'm talking about asking large industrial corporations (with no Delta links) how school systems affect their relocation decisions in general.

These issues aren't negative as many people would lead us to believe. They are legitimate issues-based inquiries that would be quality print or televised journalism for those willing to make a cursory involvement in civic or political affairs. Some of these questions are hard to explain and would require time. Some could never be told because they are too sensitive, if very important. But, some of these questions offer fascinating answers - they must!

I admire any "outsider" who chooses the Delta as the place to advance a career or ply a trade. But make no mistake, people come to jobs because a position offers professional or personally advancement. There is no altruism in paying one's bills. Recent articles suggest a prominent media figure may not have taken the job if he'd come early and checked out the situation. Good question - what happens when prospects do their homework prior to taking a local job, especially a prominent one? You may not take it.

Those walking in blindly see "it" hit them months after the fact. You take months thinking you'll make difference. You'll take a few months after that suggesting "it" can't be as they're assuming it really is - thus in denial. You'll take another few months blaming outside but mysterious forces beyond anyone's control. "Johnny Come Latelies (sp?)" then ultimately exit stage right, offering a smile and a resignation comment rooted more in pacifying the populace than admitting they felt helpless to make social or cultural change - a key component of a satisfying career for any journalist or information "gatekeeper" in print or broadcast. And these are powerful positions in any community.

I understand the motives behind "happification" and respect those who give the scene a wholehearted attempt at actually making measurable improvements. It's about financial survival and the justification of plying a career, we all hope, "makes a difference" somehow. Toughing it out isn't always the smart strategy if "toughing it" means beating your head against a brick wall of public consciousness and prevailing thought.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

All We Need Is Happy Talk

I see the DDT has done it's self assessment and decided that burying our heads in the sand is not the answer. The answer is, of course, more happy talk!! That's right, if we just keep those ex-Deltans from poisoning the natives brains, everything would be L-O-V-E-R-L-Y.

It sure didn't take long for Editor Reily to get the message. So let's all make happy talk and whistle Zippity-de-doo-dah out our asses. "Greenville, We Have Great Private School Education."

The Truth is Out There

Sometimes looking at a tree takes away the focus on the forest.

What is the leak investigation all about anyhow? I suppose there are many viewpoints on that question, but for me it's more than who the leaker was. I have always maintained that the underlying cause was the runup to the war in Iraq. Cheney was the cheerleader for the invasion and by cooking the intelligence came up with the weapons of mass destruction capability of Saddam Hussein. We know now that it never existed. Remember all the assurances that we knew that Saddam had them, the mushroom cloud over America, and the 16 words it the SOTU? Remember Chalibi's role and Judy Miller's "breathless" reporting in the NYT on the existence of stockpiles of WMD's?

Remember the linkage between 9/11 and Iraq? How about the ties between Hussein and bin Laden. What do we know now that we didn't know then? We know:
  • There are/were no weapons of mass destruction
  • The "yellowcake" argument was a forgery
  • The Administration was focused on invading Iraq from the beginning
  • Chalibi was acting in his own political interests
  • The intelligence on WMD's and the argument to the American people on WMD's was different
  • Over 2000 American troops have been killed
  • Billions of dollars have been spent
  • We will be in Iraq for a long time

The only criminal charges from the leak investigation are that "Scooter" Libby lied under oath, committed perjury and obstructed justice. For this he will be tried. The biggest crime yet to be tried is the Adminsitration's lying to the public about the reasons for war and committing this country to an unnecessary war.

So, it's not who leaked the information on Valerie Plame as it is to why. This Adminsitration was trying to cover up the lies it made up on the reasons for war and in doing so attacked an opponent to war by attacking his wife and the CIA and the American people. Just business as usual for the WHIG and neocons that drove us into war.

The trial of Libby will likely bring more information on what people knew and when they knew it. Or, we never get to know as Libby falls on the sword and "takes an Agnew."

One thing is for sure, the truth is out there, I hope we get to it for the sake of our society.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's Fitz-mas Eve

I've been disappointed before, but tomorrow is Fitz-mas Day in the White House (or should I say Big House, heh).

Keep the G'ville stuff coming, I'll comment later. New posters, Welcome and bring more.

Good advice to anonymice LR, I don't know who is talking to who. My philosphy is that its ok to be anonymous, that is a luxury of the blog over the DDT Letters section, just give us something besides "anonymous" so we can comment to "a particular somebody." If your opinion sucks you should be able to take it with a pseudonym. Remember this blog is not for regular idiots, we've all got pedigrees!

Merry Fitz-mas to all and to all a good indict!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Checking In

Running on hi-octane HiSpeed Internet, just no time to post. You guys are doing a good job, keep it up. Hell no the computer ain't stolen, I bought it off a guy from New Orleans named Nagin, said it was waterproof.

Cat, Indictments by Friday, dark day for the White House. They lied and tried to cover it up, this ain't no blue dress. We are all screwed.

Education is the big deal in G'ville. How do you fix it?

That's enough for now, gotta go. Maybe I can settle down by the weekend.

You guys are Great!

Friday, October 21, 2005

We Interupt This Program

Ok Dogs....Time to go. I will be moving over the weekend, so I will not be posting for awhile (who knows 1 week, 2 weeks, tomorrow) setting up a computer is not the number one priority! However, I may borrow one and comment through the comments section (I can never remember my log in while I'm away). I have enjoyed the comments this week and I hope this discussion will continue while I'm away.

The economic decline of Greenville is a really serious issue, I hope that the real leaders will step forward with some real solutions. The problems

Schools - number one, no question
Tax base erosion
City/County Government

I'm sure there are numerous others to be identified and addressed.

So, if inclined, use this blog to vent your frustrations or offer your solutions or defend why you think everything is just fine. We can all be snarky, and offer cutsy one liners, but that's not solving anything.


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Well At Least It's A Start

From the DDT Editorial Page

All heads out of the sand........

"As Greenvillians, we need to take a close look at ourselves and do all we can to right what's wrong."

Well, recognition is certainly a big part of the problem solution.

"While many are blaming the Fortune 500 Company for its lack of commitment to the Port City (and indeed their stay was short), maybe we need to start looking at what we are doing wrong before we start wooing the next industry to town."

It doesn't take rocket science to really figure this out. The DDT goes on to list a few things that might apply.

"We know the the quality of education is a big factor in getting companies to locate here. Unfortunately, many have the perception that our public schools are unsafe and the educational standards are below average."

Perception? Perception? We don't need no stinking perception! Anybody can read the ACT scores and when they find out that the only viable option to education is private schools they automatically freak out. No socially responsible corporation is going to locate a facility in a place that promotes a segregated school system, period. Most of the management team of a company is brought in for start up, a company cannot afford the distraction of a segregated school system. For one thing attracting the people you want to relocate is difficult once they see how things are. Yes Greenvillians, outside this small little area of geographic gumbo, integrated school systems do exist that offer an excellent education. Kids can actually walk to school and not get mugged. But notice how the DDT successfully skirts the issue: ".....This is not an indictment of private schools; it is a way to take an honest look at ourselves and how we can improve." Notice its non-solution. "......There will always be private and public schools. Both should offer superior educational opportunities to our children." So what problem are we trying to solve? Attract industry or keep the locals content with the way things are?

"Our crime rate, while getting better, is higher than it should be." Don't you just love the understatements? "......Again, the perception is that Greenville is a lawless town." Well, again, perception is reality when potential companies find out that the police department is understaffed, or when given a tour of River City, see store fronts with bars on them. Notice that the driver speeds up through certain sections of town. Notices the trash on the streets. No, it's not perception, it is reality.

"Some think that the workforce is the problem, that we have employees that don't want to work, or are unskilled and untrainable. If that's true, no one will go on record to say so. And, maybe, therein, lies the problem. Maybe if one of these industries would tell us the truth (on the record) about our fair city, including our strengths and weaknesses, we can begin to be honest with ourselves."

O.K. Try this from Reddog --Your Workforce is Unskilled and Untrainable! There, its official. Give me a break! You want a reference? Ask any of those companies listed at the beginning of the article, ask the MDA, ask any company you want, do a survey. Ask would you consider moving to Greenville, Mississippi? If not, Why not? "The Truth, You can't handle the truth, Mister."

Then more blah, blah, blah about being the parent and not believing our child could be a problem. Really a self flagellation with a limp noodle! If that is in your face journalism, Reddog is a killer dachshund. And they didn't even mention the "brown water" or the Transportation System of "You can't get there from here."

But at least it's a start. Unfortunately, we are the parents whose kid's shit don't stink.

Maybe we could find a company that manufactures glass belly buttons, so people with their head up their ass can see where they are going. There's a good market around here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Let The Spin Begin


That's it, Greenville is the victim of globalization. The paper said it, the Chamber said it and the Mayor said it. It must be true!

Auto Industry Gone Bad

Another excuse. They can't sell their product to the American automobile manufacturers, because the industry is suffering. Huh? So you take a $3 or $4 million hit and the expense to move your equipment back to a high labor cost area to meet a reduced demand? Looks like the turnip truck has a few less passengers.

Textron won't make or break Greenville

No ma'am, it's already broke. Nice try though. Keep on doing the same things and expect different results. That's called "dumbassitude"

The local spin machine is working overtime to put a positive spin on the announcement and at the same time play the victim. Sheer lunacy, sheer bullshit. No doubt globalization (spin word for outsourcing to cheap foreign labor markets) has an impact on the industrial base and Greenville has to compete on several levels for manufacturing plants. As noted earlier, when it has to compete, Greenville is at a severe disadvantage. No doubt the American automobile industry is in a recession (of their own making). It's not the cost of labor and benefits that's the problem though. It's their product stinks. If Detroit built automobiles that Americans wanted, it could probably sell more. Ya think? While American models are declining, foreign made models are growing. I wonder why that is?

I am disgusted at the victim posture in the DDT. Pure pandering at its worst. If the editors exist just to sell ads, then the day will soon come that there will be no ads to sell. It is time to play the blame game and it's time to put the blame where it belongs. It belongs on the government at city hall, the Chamber, the Industrial Foundation, and the Black and White communities in Greenville. I guess that's just about everybody. The only thing Greenville is a victim of is poor leadership. The spin doctors will tell you otherwise.

And the sheeple said "Amen"

Textron Gone

Shock! Gasp! What will we do?

It should not be a surprise by now to anyone that Textron's noble experiment in the Delta has gone pfft! Many of us saw that from the beginning. There were several reasons for the failure, let's explore some:

The company was in trouble to start
The only way Greenville was able to attract Textron was to offer "freebies" and the lure of cheap labor. On its way to Mexico is a phrase I used way back when. The company gambled on giving up expensive union labor that was trained for the cheap untrained labor that it hoped it could train. The company lost. A term I heard used around town was "untrainable."

The city has nothing to offer
To attract a quality company and be able to sustain growth, a city needs adequate resources. Vacant industrial buildings are not the most appealing resource. One of the most important resources to a company in choosing a site to locate is the available labor resource. Nothing like that exists in Greenville. High unemployment numbers do not mean that there is an adequate resource available. Companies look for an educated work force with a strong work ethic. Both qualities are lacking in Greenville.

Additionally, when looking at site location, a city's infrastructure, education system and medical facilities are important considerations. Most of a company's management team will be relocating. The image that Greenville portrays in all these categories is dismal. Transportation is another factor. The highway system, the rail system, the air transportation system are all woefully lacking. In short, the city is not appealing. Add to that the physical appearance of the city, including the downtown and highway frontage, not to mention the brown water, and your marketability rates an "F".

I know the bloggers on this site will have comments and we can all discuss the negatives among ourselves. What really needs to happen, though, is for the city's leadership (if there is one) to do some soul searching and make changes that will not give Greenville growth, the time for "happy talk" is over, but Greenville needs a survival plan. Desperate times require desperate measures, these are desperate times.

More later

Sunday, October 16, 2005


From Changes by David Bowie

I watch the ripples change their size
But never leave the stream
Of warm impermanence
So the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They’re quite aware of what they’re going through

(turn and face the strain)
Don’t tell them to grow up and out of it
(turn and face the strain)
Where’s your shame
You’ve left us up to our necks in it
Time may change me
But you can’t trace time
Strange fascination, fascinating me
Ah changes are taking the pace I’m going through

(turn and face the strain)
Oh, look out you rock ’n rollers
(turn and face the strain)
Pretty soon now you’re gonna get a little older
Time may change me
But I can’t trace time
I said that time may change me
But I can’t trace time

My apologies to David Bowie and while it may be a stretch it is somewhat appropriate. Dog will be making ch-ch-changes soon. No I'm not going away for good, the blog will remain as it is for now. Just less frequent posting.

It is with mixed emotions that Red Dog moves on. But as some of you say "I be leavin' Greenville." Leaving Greenville is not the hard part, hell, this is the third or fourth time. I found out long ago to never say never, but this time I mean it. Oh, I'll be back to visit for sure and I'll keep up with the local "happy talk" just to satisfy my curiosity. I'm sure I'll even have a comment or two on the local scene. But read my lips, I will never live in Greenville again.

I will devote this week to local/state news, or lack there of and give my thoughts on what is right and what is wrong with Mainstream U.S.A. and I invite you to jump in. (I will only break that promise if indictments are handed down in the Plamegate investigation). Let me say up front that those of you who wish to remain in Greenville, don't take my comments personal. I admire you for your choice and respect you for trying to make it work.

As for Dog, let's just say I will have all the luxuries in life, Starbucks, Barnes&Noble, Krispy Kreme, Target, Michael's, Hobby Lobby, Museums, libraries, excellent medical facilities, paved roads, where people understand customer service, private schools are the exception, and an opportunity (job). Thanks to Bush, I'll never be able to retire. Here's to rich offspring!

Paradise? No, just closer to civilization and a trip back through the time machine. My sentence in Purgatory is over and I am looking forward to the "other side."

So locals, ex-locals and wannabe ex-locals use this post to open up your minds on what is right and what is wrong with River City.

I'll start. The DDT asks, why us? I have an answer, no Leadership. That includes the government, the media, the churches, the white community, the black community and all those in between. Those in control of the destiny of Greenville are happy with things the way they are and it will take all the dogs out there working together to change things. Likely, that will never happen because people are too apathetic and those in control know that. In case you haven't figured it out yet, Greenville is a Closed Society. That's why there haven't been ch-ch-changes and there never will be. Trust me, opening a Taco Bell is not ch-ch- changes, just ch-ch-chimichangas.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Tale Told By An Idiot

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.
Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more:
it is a taleTold by an idiot,
full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."
--From Macbeth (V, v, 19)

A staged teleconference?
Are you kidding me? Can you say, Buffoon? This guy is a total embarassment. Three more years of this misleadership. Somebody impeach him now! The photo reminds me of Mork talking to Orson and, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

If it quacks like a duck, it must be a lame duck.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Show Your Support

To All Deltans

The G.A.A. (Greenville Arts Association) has a variety of events coming up this week and next. Drag your butts off the couch and get to as many as you can. One thing about Greenville that shines a positive light is the arts community. There is so much talent in the visual and performing arts in this area. An added bonus is the D.A.A. (Delta Artists Association) opening their annual exhibit on Friday. I know many of the local artists and I am sure there will be some great pieces on display at the Wetherbee House. The show is free, but take your checkbook and buy something. What could be a greater gift to a friend or relative not living here than a piece of art from the Delta?

Monday, October 10, 2005

Not Quiet On The Mid-Eastern Front

Thanks to NoFatCat for reminding us about the reporter imbedded in Northern Iraq. I believe that Michael Yon is providing us a great service by posting his experiences. Read for yourself. The postings are generally long, but well worth the read.

Elections will be held in Iraq on Saturday on the Constitution. I have no idea how they will come out. I really don't think that it matters much. We will be there for a long time regardless of the results. I don't think that the Sunni's have a desire to pass the constitution, which will lead to a further split in the parties seeking to form the new government.

It's sad that we can win the war militarily, but lose the war politically. Occupying forces have always had their difficulties in holding a territory for any length of time. This was the wrong war, wrong time.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Bogus Scotus

After watching the press conference today and listening to the ramblings of Bush over his nominee, Harriet Miers, I am convinced that she should not be confirmed to the Supreme Court, based only on the fact that she is not qualified.

Contrast her resume to that of John Roberts. There is no way Harriet Miers even comes close. Her only qualification is that she is a "friend" of George W. Bush. This administration is all about elitism and its rewards.

The liklihood of Miers being confirmed is about 50/50 in my estimation. She has no paper trail to research. Anything she has done while working as a practicing attorney is subject to "attorney/client priviledge."

So what else do we know about her? She is a "born again" Christian. Well, that doesn't disqualify her, but neither does it qualify her. Bush knows her heart, well he knows Vladimir's soul too, but that and $3 gets you a gallon of gas. She is a corporate attorney, that's probably more negative than positive. In short we don't know very much about her.

The Republicans are disappointed because they didn't get their John Birch Justice and the Democrats cry cronyism, but are feeling okay that she might just be a Sandra Day O'Connor replacement. Both liberal and conservative sides have their own conspiracy theories about the choice. At any rate the Judicial Committe hearings should be very interesting. I hope that the questioning will be about her qualifications moreso than her political philosophy, because on qualifications alone she is not the best candidate. How Bush could nominate John Roberts and turn around and nominate Harriet Miers is incredulous.

I actually think Bush is on the verge on having a breakdown. The press conference today was very revealing. He cannot seem to put together his thoughts even on the softball questions from the press corps. The swagger is gone. I'm thinking the inner circle is in complete chaos. Cheney calling Rush to tell him that in 10 years he will be glad Miers is on the SCOTUS? That is a little bizarro even in the darkest corners of Limbaughland.

The social conservative base is feeling abandoned, but the elite base is elated. Could it be that Bush has lied (again) but to the base of social conservatives that helped elect him? Do they see that the man they have idolized for so long has only played them for the patsy? He could care less about their causes, but he tells them what they want to hear. How else could it be that they voted to elect someone who does not act in their own best interest? There are three kinds of Republican, those that were lied to, those that don't care and those that are sorry.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Laughing My Ass Off

It just keeps getting better. I do not ever remember a party so completely in disarray and out of control. Proving once again that "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Harriet Miers? Her only qualification is that she is the family lawyer of Bu$hco. The FEMAzation of the Supreme Court. "You're doing a heckuva job, Harriet." I love Harry Reid's endorsement noting that she is a TRIAL LAWYER. Did that send some chills into the wingnut camp? The Wingnut Blogs today fell all over themselves dissing the appointment. In fact, they sounded more like the Liberal Blogs than the Liberal Blogs.

From the gist of the blog comments and the comments of some Republican Senators looks like we may have to invoke the "Nuclear Option" to get an up or down vote on Harriet. That's right calling for a filibuster on their own Preznit's nomination. Wonder how long it will take the remove the condescening TV ad that the next candidate deserves an up or down vote?

So what do we know about Harriet Miers? Nothing. However, once the wingnut smear machine gets in gear, we will hear plenty. She actually contributed to Al Gore's presidential campaign. She is a corporate attorney and gets the nomination because Bush is rewarding his base. The rich base, not the evangelical base.

Then there is the conspiracy theory of the stealth candidate. Because we don't know much about her, we have no idea what kind of judge she will be. It could be that she isn't expected to be a judge, only a vote.

Moving on.......

Tom DeLay gets second indictment, this time for money laundering. Interesting that Harriet Miers firm in Texas also got convicted of money laundering on a ponzi scheme. Must be something in the water in Texas.

Once again the Preznit and the Generals seem to have a different version of how the war is going. The story they tell Congress and then the story they tell the talking heads on Sunday are contradictory. Oh, well what do you expect. Rove being under investigation and all, he can't be everywhere. So the Iraqis have gone from three battalions to one in being battle ready, yet Dubyah is encouraged. I guess math wasn't one of his better subjects either.

So, what do the Republicans stand for anymore? Big Government, tax cut and spend, cronyism, fraud, big business, pork, deficits, and the usual no-bid contracts. There's blood in the water over at the GOP and the sharks are devouring their own. It's such fun to stand back and watch. Only one year and one month until elections. Personally, I can't wait.

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