Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Show Your Support

To All Deltans

The G.A.A. (Greenville Arts Association) has a variety of events coming up this week and next. Drag your butts off the couch and get to as many as you can. One thing about Greenville that shines a positive light is the arts community. There is so much talent in the visual and performing arts in this area. An added bonus is the D.A.A. (Delta Artists Association) opening their annual exhibit on Friday. I know many of the local artists and I am sure there will be some great pieces on display at the Wetherbee House. The show is free, but take your checkbook and buy something. What could be a greater gift to a friend or relative not living here than a piece of art from the Delta?


At 8:47 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Damn, LR. You don't suppose there is a conspiracy working here do you? Float Miers as a trial balloon, get the Dems up in a roar, pull her name back and nominate the Luttigs, Browns, or other "activist judge" from the Right. Notice the Republicans have gotten the fight they were looking for, only it wasn't with the Dems. The only "Nuklar Option" they have, so far, is with each other. Game Theroy in practice by Rove? Or, is Karl too busy covering his own ass in Plamegate?

Interesting that the $87,000 article comes a day after the DDT editorial on "What are we to do?" It seems that all the Delta towns have their own "tourist" agenda while Greenville has nothing, nada. Well, the Blues thing is getting overworked and the Blues Casino and Blues Project are going nowhere. Maybe they should have a working model of the '27 Flood and wipe the city out every hour. Now that's Urban Renewal.

You are right, the Industrial Foundation is a crock. Nothing is happening here. Nothing is going to happen here. We have two flights daily from a bankrupt airline. We have a workforce that won't work, and education system that doesn't educate (except for private and parochial), a city government that won't govern, and a population that doesn't care. Hats off to "Mainstream U.S.A."


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