Monday, September 26, 2005

Frist Fries With That BLT?

Well, well it seems my favorite Senator is at it again. Selling HCA stock before it craters. Think maybe he had some insider information and some insight into his "blind (legitimate?) trust?

I saw him on CNN and I could tell, he is in a "persistent vegetative state." He had two, count 'em, opinions from the "ethics panel" and determined that he was just divesting himself of stock he supposedly didn't even know he held to avoid any conflict of interest. He has held these stocks for the entire 11 years he has been in Congress. So where was his conflict in the Medicare Drug Bill? Just more "crooks and liars" on parade.

What's good for Martha Stewart is good for 'ol Frist. I personally think he would look good in an ankle bracelet.

Too much Monday football, it's late.


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