Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Someone Shoot Up In Here Amongst Us

It's just not getting any better. With Rita becoming a CAT 4 hurricane by later today and barreling toward Houston, we can't seem to get a break. I suppose we are in for another round of panic buying and a reduction in the availabilty of gasoline by next week. More importantly, have you noticed Walmart hasn't had any coffee for a couple of weeks? That is a serious problem! Red Dog has to have caffeine to function.

Congress will begin discussions on how to pay for Katrina, while Rita is still plotting her destruction. One can only hope that Rita lands in some isolated space with minimal impact on lives and the economy. I'm not certain the country can stand two major ports and petroleum producing areas being knocked out at the same time. On the other hand, one can only hope that Congress can apply some common sense to funding the recovery from Katrina. I'm sure Alaska could do without two bridges to nowhere to the tune of $500 Million to help reconstruct the bridges at Ocean Springs and Bay St. Louis. The Highway Pork Bill is a logical first place to start.

Regarding the delay of one year in the Medicare Drug Bill, I'm against it. Too many companies have already terminated retiree health benefits and forced them to move to Medicare D. My Mom is in this category. With the cancellation of her supplemental insurance from the company she retired from, without the coverage offered by Medicare, she would have no drug benefit coverage in 2006. It seems totally unfair that she, or anyone else who is retired should be strapped with the costs of Katrina.

The energy bill is another place to gain $12 billion in subsidies to oil companies. The Iraq War is another place to gain money, bring the troops home and let them take control of their own country. Roll back some of the tax cuts and start to balance the budget would, also, be a great new beginning. The current adminsitration and legislators have created a mess of fiscal responsibility. Democrats, as well as Republicans can share in that blame, although the Republicans have certainly showed no fiscal restrait being the majority party.

Since this is not an election year, one would hope that some serious discussion and debate over funding the rebuild from Katrina would take place. I'm not very optimistic.

On another note, Harry Reid has said he would not vote for Judge Roberts for the Supreme Court. Who cares? Roberts will be a good judge. I know its politics, but if you are a Democrat and can't vote for Roberts, who can you vote for nominated by a Republican President? The next appointee will be a tougher fight. I think Roberts gets 75 votes, at least.

Let's hope Rita fizzles, if you have any friends in Houston or Galveston or anywhere along the Texas and Louisiana coasts, please encourage them to evacuate. Somehow, I think the response from all levels will be better for Rita. If not, then we are hopeless.

Somebody give me some dirt on the Greenville City Budget. Did they sneak in once a week garbage pick up? What about the millage increase that isn't? I'm sorry, I didn't get that piece of the article. Was there a tax increase that wasn't a tax increase? Explain.

Will someone ask Wyatt what he would like to pay for gasoline next week?


At 9:44 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

What a country! We have a pre-boomer, an early boomer and help me, LR (late boomer or Gen X?)and we can talk about these issues on a blog. Interesting to see the diversity of opinions. For the most part, I'd say intelligent (ok, I rant sometimes, but you can do that too).

I think healthy debate is good for the soul and blogging is good therapy. Keeps me from going nuts!

Again, if anyone wants to post without using these small ass comment boxes, just e-mail me, I'll publish it and give you credit. Anyone but NoFatCat (just kidding). Are u still there Cat?

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, I am still here. I am having trouble with the Eagle's concept that all money is the government's. I guess what I earn ain't mine after all. By the way that silly ass argument about not raising taxes but they go up just the same, it was mandated by the state leg. Nofatcat

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

I thought this was a "no new tax" legislature and Guv'ner. You telling me our taxes is raised? Foul!


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