Tacky Tuesday
I'm just feeling weird today and maybe this will be a little coarse for some. If I will offend anyone, Good!
Drownie, alias Brownie replaced by :Duct Tape Man! Paulinson immediately orders 20,000 tons of duct tape to fix the levees.
John Roberts: What's with the eyes? Reminds me of a previous reddog post on Body Snatchers. Frightening. Fortunately we never see Supreme Court Justices except for their one time a year group photo.
Joe Biden: Shut up Joe, ask a question. Shummer, ditto! Kennedy, let the man answer the question!
Bush had a Karen Hughes moment today when he "takes responsibility" for the failure of the relief efforts at the federal level. There is nothing so refreshing for the soul as stating the obvious. Flying to NOLA to address the nation on Thursday. I wish George would conserve gas. It would have been nice if he had been there two weeks ago, I don't think we need to fund his photo ops showing how much he cares, now. Thank you!
President Talabani: He was actually for troop withdrawal before he was against it. WaPo on Monday to flip flop on Press Conference Tuesday. These Iraqis, they are getting the hang of democracy now!
Gretna, LA: City of Brotherly Love (Cajun for Keep yo' po' ass out!)
Louisiana politicians: Thank God someone else has 'em as bad or worse than Mississippi.
Mary Landrieu: see reference to Body Snatchers, or does Shari Lewis have her hand in her back moving her lips?
Liar, Liar: Bush doesn't know about Brownie's resignation. Brownie said he told the president. McClellan says Bush knew but didn't know it was public knowledge. What will we tell the kids?
Attorney General: Cheaters, Scammers, Price-Gougers, Wyatt Emmerich Beware! Does this mean the Feds are going to prosecute Halliburton?
McCoy pledges to work with the Guv'ner: Satan is throwing snow balls, now!
Davis-Bacon Act: Sorry, we used all the money on pork in Alaska. You can work for $5.15 and like it. Halliburton can't make enough money on their no-bid contract. It's good for the economy, you know?
RedDog Flea: NYT for charging $50 a year now to read the op-eds on-line. Money Mongers! You'd think they were becoming Republican. Just proving once again, Free Speech ain't Free.
Q. "Mr. President, what's your opinion on Roe vs. Wade?"
A. "I don't care how they get out of New Orleans."
RedDog's Advice for the Week: Get your MoJo Working and go enjoy some Blues!
Dog, Who cares what NYT editorial page says. Now the Washington Times I can take.Nofatcat
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