Monday, September 12, 2005

Weekend at Bernie's

Where are you now that we need you Bernie Keric? Doofus Brown resigned. Good riddance! Nothing has changed though. Chertie is still the headmaster at DHS. Big Lie: "We didn’t know the storm would be that big." NWS, smelling a sneak attack publishes the timeline of the briefings to the Regional Offices of DHS, which Chertie and Brownie were in on. Notice how the administration lies about the facts and denies knowledge.

Bush claims to have acted “extraordinarily.” Actually signed the emergency order before the “Big Storm Coming” hits. Well, where was he when the big storm coming actually hit and what was the extraordinary response then? He was eating cake with John McCain and then on to play the presidential guitar at a fund raiser in San Diego. Three days later he flies over the area in AF1. Judging from the photos on the plane he was actually looking out the south side of the aircraft, probably looking for drilling platforms.

Anyhow, what Bush appointees can we trust anymore? Is Chertoff any better than Brown? He is a lawyer for Christsakes! That almost assures he’s not qualified. Looking at the track record of Bush appointees you have to wonder if any of them can handle the job. Let’s see, Bolton, Snow, Rumsfeld, we already know about Tenet (oops, wrong guy appointed him). Then there’s Caio, Asscroft, Rod Paige, and Condi. The only decent appointment Bush made was Colin Powell, whose career Bush and his neocon buddies completely decimated.

I know I have shocked many of my liberal and conservative friends over my position on Roberts. But not so fast, my friends! Given the track record of other Bush appointees, I made need a further review of JR’s qualifications. For instance, how many nannies has he hired illegally? Was he ever the head of an Arabian horse club? Who was his college roommate? How much money did he contribute to the campaign? Is his degree really from DeVry? All these things we need to know. One thing the WH isn’t particularly strong on is vetting appointees.

Oh, but to borrow a line from my OxyContin influenced buddy Rush. This whole administration is a hoax, a forgery, they are not real.

Speaking of OxyContin influenced or perhaps Wild Turkey influenced, did you read the absurd opinion from Wyatt Emmerich in the DDT? I always like Wyatt’s opines because they are really stupid, but have some element of truth about them. Let’s see, the market forces of supply and demand should always be prevalent in the market place and “price gougers” should be revered rather than chastised. Caveat emptor. Just because Wyatt can afford $100 a gallon and doesn’t want to wait in line to buy gas with the rest of us peons, then we should let him? Wyatt, when you sober up, I think we are being “price gouged” on the price of your newspaper. Maybe during the next ice storm you can bundle up 25 copies and sell them for fuel at $100 a bale. Someone is stupid enough to buy it!

Well that is the weekend at Bernie’s you can tell I have only been talking to dead people.


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