Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Stuff You Should Be Paying Attention To

Trent Lott comtemplating retirement: From a source quoting an interview on Roll Call. Trent was pretty much wiped out by Katrina. He was thinking maybe it's time to call it quits. I'm sorry for Trent's misfortune, but I do think it's time to call it quits.

Senate Republicans voted totally on party lines to reject a proposal from Sen. Hillary Clinton for Congress to appoint an independent commission to investigate what went wrong during Katrina. GOPers are circling the wagon to protect their President. I don't care who is at fault, I want the truth to come out. It is imperative for our future to be ready for any kind of disaster. We had four years from 9/11 and we were not prepared. Enough GOPer cover ups already!

Rep. Sensenbrenner refuses to reopen discussion in his committe on allowing Katrina victims more time to file bankruptcy. The same day Delta and Northwest Airlines filed for Chapter 11. Any doubts about who the constituency of the Republican Congress is? And all this time you thought the issues were on the moral high ground?

Tom DeLay declares victory over government fat. All the fat has been trimmed and there is no more to cut. His words. He goes on to approve of the borrowing needed to recover from Katrina. The sad thing is, I really don't have to make any of this shit up!

The true body count will never be known in Mississippi and Louisiana. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but............

Some of the Casinos on the coast had lights on tonight. A Long Beach subdivision had barbed wire strung around it. Either to keep out looters or to secure the area to pull out dead bodies. Neither of those reasons are good.

Reliable sources from the coast tell me that many people are still looking for the FEMA, MEMA, or Red Cross and relief supplies are not being delivered as promised. It's still a mess. The Guv'ner paints a rosy picture for the press, it ain't so.

Judge Roberts will be confirmed as Chief Justice of SCOTUS. So why are we still talking about it?

Knight-Ridder exposes memo that implicates Chertoff for the screw up. He didn't know what his job was! Chertie should be the next resignation.

Iraq grows closer to civil war. Another screwed up effort by this administration.

Blanco tries to take blame. She must have accepted the blackmail from Bush aboard AF1. Absolutely, Blanco has some accountability, along with Nagin. They both will have to face the voterss.

More White House staffers called to testify in Plamegate. Fitzgereald getting closer to handing out indictments. Will Karl Rove be frog marched out of Washington? Stay tuned.

I would have given the references for all this but I am too damn tired. It's hard work! So consider this a research assignment. Cat, if you would read something besides the New York Post, you might learn something.


At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, the NYP beats the hell out of the NYT. Don't worry about ole Trent he just bought that nice estate near Jackson. And your still trying to make something out of Plamegate? Nothing there. Blanko and Nagin are the ones to blame. But they have moved all the democrats out of New Orleans. Republican Mayor and Governor next? Nofatcat

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Yeah and Bush is going to rebuild his porch so they can sit and drink mint juleps and hear the sound of slaves in the distance singing the 'ol Gospels.
You could read National Enquirer and get a better feel for what's happening. Bush is accountable for the miserable failure of FEMA and if you feel like you are any better protected from a levee flood in Greenville, I have some good swamp property to sell you. If you feel like you are any better protected from an Avian Flu pandemic then I have a Medical/Flood/Terrorist Attack Insurance Plan to sell you. Just wait for the first responders to act and kiss your ass good-bye. Repeat after me: Bush is at fault, Blanco is at fault, Nagin is at fault. Really, it's not that hard. Bush only mildly choked on admitting responsibility, I bet you could do it better!

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, I already own some swamp property, has better income potential, rich doctors love to duck hunt. Nofatcat

At 4:04 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Touche', Cat! I bet most of them don't know the difference between a duck and a cormorant. I tried that a long time ago. Spent like $300 to get set up and killed one duck. Very expensive meat.


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