Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Quick Post

Will be out for a couple of days, back on Saturday, maybe something to post on Saturday night. You can use this topic to keep your thoughts going on Katrina, Rita, or any other girls you want to bring along.

Locals - give me your rants with Greenville City Budget. Kudos to Phil V. for holding their feet to the fire. Tommie Jeffcoat didn't know the rules? Blow that smoke somewhere else.

State - Haley making a move for President? Just doing his job and passing out money.

Federal - You name it (Able Danger? Bigger than I thought)

I sure hope I can find gas and at a reasonable price to get back.

If anyone down in Texas reads this blog, get the hell out of harm's way!


At 9:24 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

You are spot on, LR on the need to spend wisely.

The current Congress and President wish to "borrow" us into oblivion rather than tax us there. Regardless of what you call it, it is a tax. Only we are not paying for it, we are passing it on to future generations. Repealing the "tax cuts" means we will be paying for government spending today. Making the "tax cuts" permanent means we are merely passing that burden on.

If you want to debate the issue of how we should be taxed, that is fine. We probably agree that the current tax code is a mess and needs fixing. There's this nastly little thing called the Alternative Minimum Tax that continues to be the "surprise tax" for those who think they are beginning to achieve an upper middle income status.

You are right that spending needs to be prioritized and that we cannot afford everything at once. No one surely believes that we will cut the deficit in half in five years, as the Republican Spin Machine so routinely regurgitates. Everything has to be on the table. The big elephant in the room is the Iraq War, which was a war of choice not necessity.

The Party you go to war with is not necessarily the Party you would like to have, or something like that.

Maybe Red Dog is part Blue Dog Democrat, but I do believe that fiscal responsibility is the primary qualification for the next election. What we spend it on is, as always, open for debate.


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