Laughing My Ass Off
It just keeps getting better. I do not ever remember a party so completely in disarray and out of control. Proving once again that "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Harriet Miers? Her only qualification is that she is the family lawyer of Bu$hco. The FEMAzation of the Supreme Court. "You're doing a heckuva job, Harriet." I love Harry Reid's endorsement noting that she is a TRIAL LAWYER. Did that send some chills into the wingnut camp? The Wingnut Blogs today fell all over themselves dissing the appointment. In fact, they sounded more like the Liberal Blogs than the Liberal Blogs.
From the gist of the blog comments and the comments of some Republican Senators looks like we may have to invoke the "Nuclear Option" to get an up or down vote on Harriet. That's right calling for a filibuster on their own Preznit's nomination. Wonder how long it will take the remove the condescening TV ad that the next candidate deserves an up or down vote?
So what do we know about Harriet Miers? Nothing. However, once the wingnut smear machine gets in gear, we will hear plenty. She actually contributed to Al Gore's presidential campaign. She is a corporate attorney and gets the nomination because Bush is rewarding his base. The rich base, not the evangelical base.
Then there is the conspiracy theory of the stealth candidate. Because we don't know much about her, we have no idea what kind of judge she will be. It could be that she isn't expected to be a judge, only a vote.
Moving on.......
Tom DeLay gets second indictment, this time for money laundering. Interesting that Harriet Miers firm in Texas also got convicted of money laundering on a ponzi scheme. Must be something in the water in Texas.
Once again the Preznit and the Generals seem to have a different version of how the war is going. The story they tell Congress and then the story they tell the talking heads on Sunday are contradictory. Oh, well what do you expect. Rove being under investigation and all, he can't be everywhere. So the Iraqis have gone from three battalions to one in being battle ready, yet Dubyah is encouraged. I guess math wasn't one of his better subjects either.
So, what do the Republicans stand for anymore? Big Government, tax cut and spend, cronyism, fraud, big business, pork, deficits, and the usual no-bid contracts. There's blood in the water over at the GOP and the sharks are devouring their own. It's such fun to stand back and watch. Only one year and one month until elections. Personally, I can't wait.
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Just what we need, another lefty blog.
Look at it this way, Cat, it's your 12 step program to get you off the Koolaid.
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