Thursday, September 29, 2005

Oh, It's Judy's Turn To Sing

Judy's turn to sing.....
Her source is non other than "Scooter" Libby, Chief Aide to Veep Cheney. 'Ol Fitz is getting closer to handing out those indictments. How many is the question and who? My guess is that a lesser aide in the White House will fall on the sword for Dick and Karl. Either Judy Miller is seeing the house of cards falling in around her and has decided to save her neck or she is plea bargaining herself for a lesser sentence (maybe time served). This has been one helluva week.

Tough time to be a wingnut, the bad news just keeps on coming like storm surge. Pounding, pounding, pounding.......


At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, Powerline again "The entire Plame story, in my opinion, is one of the most overblown of modern times. The real story here is about her husband Joe Wilson, who, at his wife's instigation, was sent on a diplomatic mission to Niger for which he was ill-suited, and who then lied about his own findings there in a New York Times op-ed, for the purpose of damaging President Bush politically. Joe Wilson is one of the great scoundrels of recent times, but you wouldn't know it unless you are a regular reader of this or a handful of other sites. If you search our site for "Joe Wilson" or "Joseph Wilson," you will find a link to the Congressional report that concluded that Wilson is a liar.
The substantive aspects of this story, however, have been completely lost in the media love-fest with Valerie Plame." I rest my case.Nofatcat

At 9:02 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Well Damn Cat, you've tried the wrong case! The whole basis of the Wilson argument was "there's no yellow cake deal" which the White House has admitted. Even Condi said it was a misunderestimation and regretted the 16 words in the SOTU. What Joe Wilson said was, in fact, true! It was an integral part of Cheney's argument that SH had nuclear weapons and it was exposed as being bogus, by everyone! Except you and the wingnut blogs.

Why is Judy singing now? She was at most 30 days from being out of jail anyway. My guess is that Fitzgerald has the goods and she could either corroborate or face charges of conspiracy among others.

You rested your case too soon, Cat. The "preponderance of evidence" is against you.

At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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