Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Big Day On The Beltway

Boy, Howdy! Pardon me while I gloat. Ok, that's enough. An indictment does not a conviction make, but it sure put a kink in the Republican machine. I was almost sorry to see that DeLay had to give up his majority leader role, until I saw they replaced him with Roy Blount. He may even be a better lightening rod. 'Ol Roy has some contributions he may need to explain. The best leader they could have come up with was David Dreier (CA) but they would have had a really hard time explaining that to their Christian Right base. I love it when the sharks start devouring themselves.

The real loser today was Bush. There he had all his brass around him to announce they had again killed the Number 2, al Qaida operative. Does anyone know how many number 2's this makes? Who ranks these people anyhow, the BCS? What's wrong with getting Numero Uno (bin Laden). We spend $200 Billion to get 'Ol Number Two? Maybe we are in the wrong stadium. Anyhow, Bush makes this grand statement and gets upstaged two hours later by DeLay's indictment. Poor Dubya.

Karen Hughes, Ambassador of Spin Doctoring, got her ass kicked by arabic women in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Basically, she was told to take our western freedoms and shove it. They were happy the way things were going, only we were messing things up by being in Iraq. Silly women, it took us almost 150 years to give women the right to vote. Dubya is offering them the "fast mommy track" plan.

The other important story you missed today was Ashley Smith's confession that she gave her abductor crystal meth. No charges were anticipated being filed. Faux News will have 12 dedicated hours on the story tomorrow.

FEMA still can't get it right in Texas, maybe we should outsource the whole operation to Walmart. In no way should we spend taxpayer dollars to reimburse "faith based" volunteer work. That would be a dangerous precedent and is wrong, wrong, wrong.


At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, Why didn't you mention the pass the repubs gave Blanko. As the Washington Times says."Gov. Blanco gets no Katrina questions". WTF.Nofatcat

At 12:06 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Wrong committee, Cat. Pay attention. The Washington Times apparently isn't either. She will have her time before the appropriate committee. Were you impressed with Brownie's whining? BTW, there were only two democrats on that committee, talk about getting a pass! Of course, the repubs investigation is only going to cover up. Join me in asking for a real investigation by an independent committe, a la 9/11. Write Thad and Trent and demand it. It's the only way we will get the real truth.

At 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, Investigate what? Nagin and Blanko were out to lunch. Nofatcat


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