Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Kerry Drinks The Koolaid

"There is some schedule showing what you (need) to do to get Iraqis standing up and defending themselves which is now suddenly beginning to happen, so there are some signs of progress,'' Kerry said during a 30-minute speech at the Park Plaza Hotel. "The only way we're going to be successful there – and ultimately, success is going to have to be somewhat redefined – is to create sufficient stability to get the troops home."

He later added while speaking to reporters: "The Iraqi forces are improving somewhat. Whether it's enough to hold the line is obviously a very serious question." (Boston Herald)

WTF? "signs of progress", What the Hell is he talking about? He sounds like he's reading from the RNC Talking Points memo. "Get the Iraqis standing up" sounds like Rummy and Bush, "As the Iraqis stand up, we'll stand down." Then, he goes on to say"The Iraqi forces are improving somewhat? What the hell does that mean? As compared to what and when? Geeeezz. No wonder we can't win elections. There is absolutely no leadership in the Democratic Party and I fear we are doomed to be the minority party forever, in spite of Republican attempts to tear themselves apart. Isn't there any Democrat that gets it? Hillary, no. Biden, no. The majority of Americans feel that it was a mistake to go to war in Iraq and disapprove of the way Bush has handled the war. What is wrong with those people?

Sure, I held my nose and voted for Kerry, but you can bet your sweet ass I won't do it again. At a time when Republicans are "swift boating" themselves, Democrats are "stuck on stupid." (Thank you, Gen. Honore). Our "wartime" preznet has met his "Waterloo" in Katrina, spent all his political capital, and has the popularity of a skunk in a tent. We cannot mount a decent attack on the war and bringing our troops home. Why? Is it a fear that the country will think we are weak and cannot protect us from terrorism? Katrina has exposed our defense system and Americans have realized that GWB is nothing more than the failed ex-CEO of companies his daddy and friends bought him. It's past time to try and be Republican-lite. It's time to oppose the war and bring our troops home. No more American blood spilled for this optional war. Maybe the Democratic leadership has been bought off by the oil companies who wish for the war to continue, so that we get control of the Iraqi oil. Whatever. There is no spine in the Democratic leadership.

In spite of the idiots in my party, how about the other party? All day long I have fantasized about a trifecta, Frist, DeLay and Rove all being frogged marched out of Washington into the same jail cell. DeLay could face charges of conspiracy as early as tomorrow. Frist could be indicted on trading on insider information and Karl, well the penalty for outing a CIA agent should be more severe, Guantanamo is a good place for him. He hates America, he hates our freedoms.

Seems an investigation is going on about the no-bid contract to remove rubbish and the relationship of the vendor with Haley (AshBritt?) Don't know, but we need to check on it. It sure looks like a duck! As I said before, the real looting is about to start.


At 9:23 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

I don't know Eagle. The cupboard looks pretty bare. My problem with Clark is that I see flashbacks of Jimmy Carter. He's probably the most intelligent candidate. Feingold? Maybe. Gore, I like but not sure, too much time has passed since he won the election.


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