Monday, October 10, 2005

Not Quiet On The Mid-Eastern Front

Thanks to NoFatCat for reminding us about the reporter imbedded in Northern Iraq. I believe that Michael Yon is providing us a great service by posting his experiences. Read for yourself. The postings are generally long, but well worth the read.

Elections will be held in Iraq on Saturday on the Constitution. I have no idea how they will come out. I really don't think that it matters much. We will be there for a long time regardless of the results. I don't think that the Sunni's have a desire to pass the constitution, which will lead to a further split in the parties seeking to form the new government.

It's sad that we can win the war militarily, but lose the war politically. Occupying forces have always had their difficulties in holding a territory for any length of time. This was the wrong war, wrong time.


At 6:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you read the Fairtax book, Red Dog? Great reading for the Left and Right among us....

By the way, where have you been?

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

I haven't read it, but didn't the bi-partisan tax reform committee (whatever) vote the consumption tax down? All taxes get passed down to us consumers one way or another. Sounds like the book may be interesting reading though.

Ah, Cat. Been busy lately dealing with stuff. Mostly good, but not enough time to read and keep up. Or have time to reflect. Besides, you know you get tired of me beating up on you guys over Miers, Rove, Frist, DeLay, etc. it only makes you guys babble (i.e. J.V.'s defense of Miers)

Seriously what is your take on Miers? How can the same President nominate Roberts and then turn around and nominate Miers? I don't get it. I'm sure she is a decent person and a very capable lawyer, I just don't see her on the SCOTUS. I'm talking just qualification, not philosophy. You know my feelings are the President can nominate who he wants to, but except for Roberts and very few others, his track record is dismal. I may regret it later, but Roberts was an outstanding choice. Do you think Roberts was just a fluke?

Give me some Conservative Wisdom (is that an oxymoron?)


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