Tuesday, June 27, 2006


In a close vote 66 yea and 34 nay, the Senate defeated a Consitutional Amendment barring flag burning. Mitch McConnell saved our freedoms by voting against the amendment. Say again? Yep, and Harry Reid voted with "the 66". Go Figure. Politics does make stange bedfellows! Of course, the Mississippi Morons voted for it.

As tasteless and despicable as the act may be, it is "free speech" and that is what this country is about. Look at it as if we survived another Republican attack on our Constitution and our basic freedoms. Really, all it is is a "wedge" issue to excite the base in an election year. Just like King George's announcement that he will be bringing Social Security Reform up again. Only, he hasn't quite grasped the idea of DOA for this one. The definition of marriage amendment is another one. Perhaps the election slogan for Republicans should be "Don't burn the flag, burn a fag."

The bottom line is that the President and the Rubberstamp Republican Congress are taking away our freedoms one by one while throwing up a smokescreen. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." Ah, only 6 months until impeachment proceedings begin.


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