I'm Calling BS!

On all Republicans! Give themselves a raise and defeat the minimum wage. Why we'd have to pay those illegals $3 a day if we did that!
Thad and Trent.... What the hell did you vote for? It's ok to give amnesty to Iraqi insurgents that killed Americans? Break out the Idiot-Meter for them.
We're going to go have meetings on illegals? We got two versions of the bill, vote on it. Up or Down is the phrase du jour, I believe.
Stay the Course? So what exactly is the course? 2500 more American deaths? Or more?
No Civil Rights Bill? Fire up the base.
Cheney.......They really are in the last throes, no kidding, this time I mean it. Santorum found methane gas!! We really turned the corner, really, trust me!
Pres takes a photo op in Iraq, did he say when we accomplish our mission? I thought we had already done that! He told us so, remember?
Meanwhile the Earth gets warmer and warmer and warmer. The solution for Greenville's woes is that it will be at the bottom of the ocean, again. Sell now and move to, say, Tupelo. Be the first to own ocean front property.
Come on homies, did you really vote for these idiots?
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