Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Dog Bites

Well, to the audience that wonders where I've been the past few months. Well, like most of you I've been trying to eke out a living. The big difference for me is that I no longer live in the Delta. Yes, I've escaped the time warp and entered the 21st Century again. In some ways it resembled a bad dream and in other ways a bittersweet memory. Anyway you look at it that spot on the earth occupies a part of my psyche and always will.

To my more liberal and conservative friends, how about a round of reddog fleas:
  • Plamegate back in the news, with the "Leaker in Chief" admitting he leaked information to the American people to "see, to tell them the truth." Well, the only thing is that the information he leaked happened to be a lie. Iraq never sought "yellow cake" from Niger. Yeah, we already knew that. Big time fleas to George W. Bush on lying about Iraq. Remember the 16 words in the SOTU Address? Of course you do.
  • If you bought that one then I suppose you are having wet dreams about Iran. We may get the chance to try out our tactical nuclear weapons on a country that really "hates our freedoms." Nevermind that our own intelligence people say we know less about Iran than Iraq. Rummy finally gets to go to war with the army he wishes he had, a missile with a nuclear warhead. In the words of Slim Pickens "Yeeehaw!"
  • Don't you just love the "Illegal Immigrant" debate. If you want to be technical, we are all illegal immigrants. And if you thought Katrina was a "cluster f--k", don't you know we can handle deporting 12 Million illegal immigrants? What are we to do? The conservatives want to throw the bums out and the moderates want to make more money off of them. Who will prevail?
  • The price of gasoline has gone up 20% over two weeks and over what? Iran, you silly twerp. Oh, I really think that it is Exxon needs more government welfare, now don't you? Be honest. Their profits aren't nearly big enough,
  • Are you sure your phone isn't being tapped? Your e-mail being monitored? "Oneheckuvajob", surely we will all be in Gitmo, before it's over. Alberto Gitmolez testifies that he knows shit we don't and we shouldn't ask, but it is a big deal if we only knew, but he can't tell us about it because it is classified, a big deal.
  • Bush approval rating in the 30's, Congress not too far behind and Cheney, 18% mostly for being a "bad" shot. Give him a break, he's not the "Big Leaker" just a "Little Drip."

And Finally, for my Republican friends in MS-02, Why, in the hell, do you want to vote in a Democratic Primary to unseat Bennie Thompson, when the new Democratically controlled Congress will give better key committe positions to those with seniority? Go Figure. It must truly be the "brown water."


At 7:45 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Well, he is the ranking member of Homeland Security, but I still think his seniority gives MS-02 more clout. The more secure his position becomes the better for the district.

If he's a bum, then the Dems have to unseat him for the right reason, not renegade repubs with an axe to grind because they never could elect LeSeur.


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