Fools Gold
Congrats to Bennie! Looks as if he kicked Chuck's ass in the primary. Good bet to be chairman of some committee in the next Congress. Now tell me, dogs, how many of you actually went to the polls and voted for Bennie? He may get fried tomorrow for some ethics violation, but he's the best bet for MS-02. How many of you even know he represents MS-02?
BTW, Congrats to the whole state. Looks like 86% vote no to gay marriage. That means at least 74% of you know more about gay life styles and the threat to the Constitution that a handful of gays have than all the Osama bin Laden wannabes who hate our freedoms.
We really need a Constitutional Amendment to prevent some gays from getting the benefits of being married. The economy can go to hell, gasoline can make $3 a gallon, the government can spy on your ass by getting your phone records, we can abuse prisoners in Gitmo and Abu Gharib, we can go to war on false pretenses, we can read "My Pet Goat" while ignoring the threat of an attack on us, we can allow 12 million undocumented aliens into the country, we can allow an American city to be wiped off the face of the earth, we are allowing global warming to raise the level of the oceans, and we can allow seniors to pay more for less on Medicare Part D and we can outsource your job and you don't give a shit. Just them gays can't get hitched and that's final, by God!
Poll question for the night. Who presents a greater threat to our freedoms?
a.) those freaky gay bastards
b.) the Kommunists
c.) George W. Bush
d.) The FBI
e.) Saddam Hussein
f.) Osama bin Laden
g.) Jane Fonda
h.) Spongebob
i.) Diebold
j.) Barry Bonds
k.) Ann Coulter
l.) 70% of Americans who do not think Bush is doing a good job
m.) The Dixie Chicks
n.) The DaVinci Code
o.) Flouridation
p.) Katherine Harris
q.) Ray Humphries
r.) Tony Soprano
s.) Tom Cruise
t.) Dr. Phil
u.) singing the Star Spangled Banner in Spanish
v.) Don Rumsfeld
w.) Condolezza Rice
x.) Barbara Bush
y.) Plan B
z.) Divorce
You pick it!!!!!!
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