The Truth is Out There
Sometimes looking at a tree takes away the focus on the forest.
What is the leak investigation all about anyhow? I suppose there are many viewpoints on that question, but for me it's more than who the leaker was. I have always maintained that the underlying cause was the runup to the war in Iraq. Cheney was the cheerleader for the invasion and by cooking the intelligence came up with the weapons of mass destruction capability of Saddam Hussein. We know now that it never existed. Remember all the assurances that we knew that Saddam had them, the mushroom cloud over America, and the 16 words it the SOTU? Remember Chalibi's role and Judy Miller's "breathless" reporting in the NYT on the existence of stockpiles of WMD's?
Remember the linkage between 9/11 and Iraq? How about the ties between Hussein and bin Laden. What do we know now that we didn't know then? We know:
- There are/were no weapons of mass destruction
- The "yellowcake" argument was a forgery
- The Administration was focused on invading Iraq from the beginning
- Chalibi was acting in his own political interests
- The intelligence on WMD's and the argument to the American people on WMD's was different
- Over 2000 American troops have been killed
- Billions of dollars have been spent
- We will be in Iraq for a long time
The only criminal charges from the leak investigation are that "Scooter" Libby lied under oath, committed perjury and obstructed justice. For this he will be tried. The biggest crime yet to be tried is the Adminsitration's lying to the public about the reasons for war and committing this country to an unnecessary war.
So, it's not who leaked the information on Valerie Plame as it is to why. This Adminsitration was trying to cover up the lies it made up on the reasons for war and in doing so attacked an opponent to war by attacking his wife and the CIA and the American people. Just business as usual for the WHIG and neocons that drove us into war.
The trial of Libby will likely bring more information on what people knew and when they knew it. Or, we never get to know as Libby falls on the sword and "takes an Agnew."
One thing is for sure, the truth is out there, I hope we get to it for the sake of our society.
Why did Kerry and Clinton as well as did many democrats sign on to invade Iraq. They had the same avaible info they supported it . Hillary still supports the war.
Was colin Powell lying also before the UN ?
If some one isn't a covert CIA agent how do yopu prosecute them ? That's a question yet to be answered.
Saddan needed to go the way he tourctered people. We also found out how many allies we do have. We found out how many countries were recieving kick backs instead of food for the people as well medical supplies etc. Where is the outrage about that. I have yet to see that out rage from the demorcats.
Bill Clinton is the first president I know of to have sex in our oval office YES OUR OFFICE office . It seems with today's morals we over look this and accept it as ok.
Look at the pardons Clinton sold when he left office. No out rage?
Agnew was was caught taking bribes when he was Governor.
One question did Bill Clinton look the american people in the eye on national televison lie or not ?
Dog, Saddum had Weapons of Mass Destruction, just ask the Kurds. Liddy testified to a Grand Jury and is accused of lying, innoccent until proven guilty. Clinton said there needed to be a regium change in Iraq, was he lying then? Nofatcat
I'm sorry LR I meant to put "opponent of war" in quotes, because that is how the neocons wanted to portray Joe Wilson. When Joe Wilson stated that the Niger connection was a fabrication, it blew holes in the 16 famous words in the SOTU that later were "apologized for" by Rice and Tenent.
What an idiot. You are more worried about semen on a dress than 2000 dead U.S. Soldiers. Whether a President lies about an affair or lies to take our country to war and you find no difference? You are having a serious problem with the Kool Aid addiction, there is no 12 step help for you.
Cat. the only weapons of mass destruction that Saddam had are the ones that we gave him to fight the Iranis. Remember he was once our hero, just like Bin Laden.
LR, you are right. No one cares about a senior White House official lying under oath. What we should care about is the POTUS lying to the American people about the need to go to war without a plan to prosecute that war and preserve the peace.
Dog, Zell Miller, a great Democrat, wrote a piece for the Alanta paper here:!64096873&UrAuth=aN`NUOcNVUbTTUWUXUTUZTZU_UWUbU]UZUaU_UcTYWVVZV&urcm=y
Sorry about the length. Democrat leadership needs to look to Georgia instead of NH.Nofatcat
Hey Cat,
Let's get one thing clear, Miller is no Democrat. That's a bigger conspiracy theory than the FBI planning the 9/11 attacks. The victims are Valerie Wilson and the American people. That's your Electric Kool Aid Acid Test for today.
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