Well At Least It's A Start
From the DDT Editorial Page
All heads out of the sand........
"As Greenvillians, we need to take a close look at ourselves and do all we can to right what's wrong."
Well, recognition is certainly a big part of the problem solution.
"While many are blaming the Fortune 500 Company for its lack of commitment to the Port City (and indeed their stay was short), maybe we need to start looking at what we are doing wrong before we start wooing the next industry to town."
It doesn't take rocket science to really figure this out. The DDT goes on to list a few things that might apply.
"We know the the quality of education is a big factor in getting companies to locate here. Unfortunately, many have the perception that our public schools are unsafe and the educational standards are below average."
Perception? Perception? We don't need no stinking perception! Anybody can read the ACT scores and when they find out that the only viable option to education is private schools they automatically freak out. No socially responsible corporation is going to locate a facility in a place that promotes a segregated school system, period. Most of the management team of a company is brought in for start up, a company cannot afford the distraction of a segregated school system. For one thing attracting the people you want to relocate is difficult once they see how things are. Yes Greenvillians, outside this small little area of geographic gumbo, integrated school systems do exist that offer an excellent education. Kids can actually walk to school and not get mugged. But notice how the DDT successfully skirts the issue: ".....This is not an indictment of private schools; it is a way to take an honest look at ourselves and how we can improve." Notice its non-solution. "......There will always be private and public schools. Both should offer superior educational opportunities to our children." So what problem are we trying to solve? Attract industry or keep the locals content with the way things are?
"Our crime rate, while getting better, is higher than it should be." Don't you just love the understatements? "......Again, the perception is that Greenville is a lawless town." Well, again, perception is reality when potential companies find out that the police department is understaffed, or when given a tour of River City, see store fronts with bars on them. Notice that the driver speeds up through certain sections of town. Notices the trash on the streets. No, it's not perception, it is reality.
"Some think that the workforce is the problem, that we have employees that don't want to work, or are unskilled and untrainable. If that's true, no one will go on record to say so. And, maybe, therein, lies the problem. Maybe if one of these industries would tell us the truth (on the record) about our fair city, including our strengths and weaknesses, we can begin to be honest with ourselves."
O.K. Try this from Reddog --Your Workforce is Unskilled and Untrainable! There, its official. Give me a break! You want a reference? Ask any of those companies listed at the beginning of the article, ask the MDA, ask any company you want, do a survey. Ask would you consider moving to Greenville, Mississippi? If not, Why not? "The Truth, You can't handle the truth, Mister."
Then more blah, blah, blah about being the parent and not believing our child could be a problem. Really a self flagellation with a limp noodle! If that is in your face journalism, Reddog is a killer dachshund. And they didn't even mention the "brown water" or the Transportation System of "You can't get there from here."
But at least it's a start. Unfortunately, we are the parents whose kid's shit don't stink.
Maybe we could find a company that manufactures glass belly buttons, so people with their head up their ass can see where they are going. There's a good market around here.
Great idea LR and I don't know why the paper doesn't do it. It can be managed and a blog certainly brings on debate. I think they are fearful of the racial slurs and innuendos that will surely come and at the same time being accused of being "racist" or too "librul." Too bad this wasn't addressed 30 years ago.
We know that most of the local people still read my blog just to see if there are local comments. Most of the comments come when I do raise a local issue. So, the audience is there.
The letters to the editor here are the lamest of any paper I have read. If it weren't for some special cause or someone from Maine dropping a line about whatever, there wouldn't be any. Then, everyone is so nice and everything is "loverly" its just us "outside agitators" that cause the problems.
DW, let me qualify your statement. Greenville as you know it would not exist.
Please get serious umm !! did you steal that computer ?
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