Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's Fitz-mas Eve

I've been disappointed before, but tomorrow is Fitz-mas Day in the White House (or should I say Big House, heh).

Keep the G'ville stuff coming, I'll comment later. New posters, Welcome and bring more.

Good advice to anonymice LR, I don't know who is talking to who. My philosphy is that its ok to be anonymous, that is a luxury of the blog over the DDT Letters section, just give us something besides "anonymous" so we can comment to "a particular somebody." If your opinion sucks you should be able to take it with a pseudonym. Remember this blog is not for regular idiots, we've all got pedigrees!

Merry Fitz-mas to all and to all a good indict!!!!!!!!!


At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, Go here:
They make more sense of this than the real thing. Nofatcat

At 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Libby lied under oath to FBI agents which is what his indictment was based on. He should face the music.
Martha did the same Bill Clinton did the same. Equal justice for all.

I think the keyword for Valerie Plame is was she opreating as a covert agent at the time she was exposed.

Harriet Miers that pretty much says the same as the Fox analyst predictI agree.

At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Clinton loose his license to practic law in Arkansas?

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't that the judgement given out by the judge for lying ?


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