Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Happy Fat Tuesday

And to all revelers Happy Mardi Gras!

This Mardi Gras is brought to you specially by your friends at FEMA, along with
George "Guitar" Bush
Dick "Gunner" Cheney
and a whole host of local idiots.

Laissez les bon temps roulet!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Blowjob in the Oval Office

Sorry, I meant Snowjob

"The more people learn about the transaction that has been scrutinized and approved by my government, the more they'll be comforted..." First of all my government? As in his own personal government? Sorry, McFlightjacket, this is our government. His Grand Delusion is that he actually thinks he is the Emir of the United American Emirates.

Secondly, for all the illegal wire tapping and spying on American citizens, no one in this administration knows Jack Abramoff about the deal. Snow, the former CEO of CSX who sold to the British Company that sold to the Arab Company, read about it in the paper? He was suppose to chair the committee that would vet the sale and approve it!!!!! Who chaired the committee? Not Rummie, he was suppose to be in on the vetting. Nope, knew nothing. Condi? Even though the PDB might have said "We are putting our security in the hands of the attackers on 9/11", how were we to know? Cherkoff? You kidding me! He had to read in the paper that New Orleans was underwater. What Keystone Kops do we have in charge?

Or, is it possible they all knew and they are just lying? Could it be they are all so corrupt that they are so bent on stuffing their own pockets while the country be damned? Conspiracy theory? Nah, If they are truly out to get you, it's not a theory.

Keep Vigilant

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dubai, Dubai, Do

Only about 7% of the imports are inspected anyway, so why should we care if our American Emir,er Preznit wants to outsource the security of our ports to a country that may have ties to "terrists" and a company with alleged ties to the Bush Family? Oh, I don't know maybe it has something to do with keeping us safe from Mohammed cartoons and Abu Ghraib pics. After all, Dubya doesn't read newspapers.

I expect nothing less disgusting from the most disgusting group of mis-managers in our government's short history. Maybe it's just a ruse to invite them here so we can do warrantless spying on their library cards! Anyhow, I sure do feel safer, how about you?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Bird In The Bush

A Cowboy with a guy, a wrangler, couple of beers add a gun and the recipe is disaster. Poor Cowboy, shot his pard'ner, no one understands. "Sorry the Dude got shot but he should not have walked in front of my aim." He didn't do anything wrong chime in his posse.

A new Sheriff in town, guns down the Airport Commission. Paves the quickest way out of town. "I'm the elected law here and if you don't like it "Git yo' Ass outta my town."

Hot damn! I just love the smell of gunpowder in the morning!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Ah, Memories

I was saddened to hear of the passing of Coach John Vaught. My heart bleeds red and blue with the passing of an icon in Ole Miss Sports. I just want to say thank you for the memories. Unfortunately, the Ole Miss football dreams are like so much of the Old South (GWTW). Hotty Totty, Coach V.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Change of Pace - or Search for the Holy Grail

Not posting for awhile has given Red Dog time to reflect on how to direct this blog. I've decided that it will be what I want it to be about.

The latest quest is to find the ultimate $10 red wine. Don't laugh, I've had some pricey $40 and up that were reminiscent of castor oil with the after taste of chalk. So, if anyone wants to help out feel free to pitch your best $10 red. Well, if you have a white that's worthwhile go ahead and mention it too. There aren't too many rules, but the price needs to be from $8 to $12.

Now, Red Dog is not claiming to be a connosieur by any means and you certainly won't find any "wine snobbery" here. I remember the day when I thought Ripple was wine! Anyhow, here's two entries that I would like to make.

Label: Los Vascos
Region: Chile (Colchagua)
Vintage: 2004
Grape: Cabernet Sauvignon
Comments: Great aroma. I new it was good when I opened the bottle. Good balance and finishes strong. Tip: aerate it good. I had it with Red Beans and Rice and it held its own.
Price: I paid $10.79 for 750 ml.
Red Dog Rating: Four Paws

Label: Jewel
Region: California (Woodbridge)
Vintage: 2001
Grape: Cabernet Sauvignon
Comments: Good value at $9.99. Not too oaky and has good balance. Goes good with any meat dish (Pork tenderloin and steak) also, just by itself.
Red Dog Rating: Four Paws

You can tell I am a bit partial to Cabs. So give me your recommendations or try these I have suggested and give me your comments.

If anyone recommends a Merlot, I'm shutting down the site! Just kidding, I did see the movie.(Sideways.)

Oh yeah, be prepared to kiss a lot of frogs at ten bucks. Be careful, after three glasses they all become Bordeauxs

Red Dog Rating System
Five Paws - Excellent - Pure Pedigree, creme de la creme, underpriced
Four Paws - Very Good, Tell your kennel mates, have a party
Three Paws - Wagging tail, it's okay, probably priced right, buy it on "Wine Day"
Two Paws - Don't get off the porch for this one
One Paw - Fleas all over it, not for canine consumption
Hike Leg - Self Explanatory

Happy Tasting

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