Friday, July 22, 2005

Terror, Plame, and Basagate

OK, the terrorists have blown up Britain and Egypt, so it must mean that it is time for Bush to invade, oh let's say Niger! Ha! That must be where the WMD's are! It wasn't "yellow cake" after all, he was looking for a place to hide his WMD's.

Bush Administration is stonewalling the release of the photos and videos of Abu Ghraib. They need more time to censure the pictures and cut and paste Lynndie England's face in them. She was, after all, the mastermind in the prisoner abuse. It doesn't sound like the latest pictures are going to be all that pretty. If Rummie has turned in his resignation twice and it's been turned down, maybe the third time will be the charm.

Caught the discussion on C-Span of the CIA agents testimony before a Democratic panel. Frightening and disgusting as to the outing of a CIA agent and the implications that has on our intelligence effort around the world. The current thugs in the White House are beginning to make the Watergate thugs look like altar boys. "[S] is for Secret, that's good enough for me." .....Oops......Oh yeah, they're trying to kill Cookie Monster too.

John Roberts will not get a "free pass", He will be asked some uncomfortable questions, will he answer them? He should. Supreme Court Justices are confirmed for life, remember? If Ann Coulter is against him, there has to be something in his past. Maybe he stood 'ol Annie up once.

Hats off to John Conyers, he alone will not let the Downing Street Memos die. If you stand back and look at the overall picture, Plamegate and the Downing Street Memos are connected. Yeah, it's old news...Bush lied to us on the reasons for war, so what? Right?

Red Dog is sniffing out the latest scandal in Mississippi, "Basagate" Stay tuned. Could this be the Nissan of rural Mississippi? Did the Guv'nor rig the study to move the industry overseas? When will the AG be investigating? Looks like the study is more of a "crawfish" study to me.

Have a great weekend. Go out and make history.

NoFatCat.......are you on vacation or just asleep?


At 7:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

asleep. That Basagate line woke me up.

At 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Basagate, shmasagate. That so-called reasearch was basically a Coke vs Pepsi gimmick designed to earn the tenured "researcher" some press. MSU would love to give him the boot, I'll bet!

At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I here the guy has tenure, no boot but he might find it hard to get any dough from the MSU system.

At 8:32 AM, Blogger Red Dog said...

I'm sure the Prof has some 'splaining to do. I doubt the catfish industry feels like donating a bunch of money to MSU for "research" right now.


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