Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Down on the Farm

Well, Well, 'ol Bernie did the crime now he's gonna do the time. I'm sorry, this crying crap gives me indigestion. Bernie bilked some decent folks out of their life savings and was living the life of luxury and his defense? He didn't know. Well the jury was right, he should have known and he did know. 25 years is not enough. Yazoo City is too good for the crook. If he had been tried in Alabama, he may have gotten a Get Out of Jail Free card and had a statue erected in the State Capitol in his honor. Maybe Scrushy will visit Bernie and they can pray together.

I can't stay away from it! The Republican strategy to protect KR is to attack the victims, predictable. Let's see today we heard, It's Joe Wilson's fault, he outed his own wife. KR did a great public service in not letting a kid reporter publish erroneous information, which turned out to be true. My only comment, so far, is that Fitzgerald is on to something bigger than KR or this whole thing would have already been settled. Oh, and which White House lie do you want to believe? The one about anyone involved would be fired or Karl Rove was not involved? I don't guess there is any need to answer that one.

The free traders are running for cover over CNOOC's bid to buy UnoCal. The House held some pretty nasty hearings today on this subject. Seems as if The Cato Institute thinks it's a good idea for a communist country to own an American company and it's oil reserves. A former CIA Director called the economists favoring the move out of touch with reality. That's an understatement. $700 Billion trade deficit to China, thank you Walmart!

Keep an eye on your Senators, the CAFTA vote is coming up soon and remember that "sucking sound" from NAFTA with all of our jobs going to Mexico. Send them an e-mail (links on the right...naturally) telling them to not support CAFTA.

One more thing, prior to our invasion of Iraq, Iraqi children were not being blown up by suicide bombers.

Come to think of it, Dubya does favor Alfred E. Neuman when he smiles.


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