Monday, July 11, 2005

Beam Scotty Up!

Caught the White House Press briefing today and the normally jello-spined recorders took Scott McClellan to task on the Rove story. Being true to form Scotty evaded all the questions, pulling the "we don't comment on on-going criminal investigations" and the always popular "I've already answered that." However, poor Scott looked like he would rather be sitting straddle a barbed wire fence.

I'm still convinced there is a bigger fish in the special prosecutor's investigation.I guess we have to sit back and wait for the supoenas.

It's not a theory if they are actually doing it.


At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way Dog the New York Post has a good article on this subject.

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Damn Cat, I wish you would read something besides fiction. Podhoretz's own article has Plame authorizing and recommending the Wilson trip. The problem when you are caught in a lie and lie to cover it us is that you tend to forget the real truth.

Do I need to give you the URL for the New York Times so you can get better informed?

Miller probably does have principles, but she was very close to Cheney on the WMD stories. Just speculation, but another Spiro Agnew in the White House is not out of the question, given the Republican track record in these matters.

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dog Powerline has some more fiction for you. By the way I wouldn't use the NYT for TP.
Look Here:
I say agian Miller ain't in jail for no republican.

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Cat, I'm not giving you any more wingnut blog links, nice try. You pick it radioblogger or powerline. Miller would go deep throat for a bigger fish, Cheney or Dubya. We all practice the same profession, it's just a matter of price.

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog don't limit me to two. By the way here is a guy who just doesn't know.

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

I don't know, Cat. That's an article that maybe we both agree on? But half the fun is speculating, and I love having the WH on the defensive. Scottie sure looks like he's not having any fun. It's that thing called hubris, you know? But then, what do I know?

At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, Ann Coultre has an opinion this morning. Good looks to. Sorry no link for JWR.
By the way keep up the criticism of the DDT on crime. I'm with you, woman gets thrown off bridge and GPD says "ya'll be carefull"?


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