More Table Scraps
Back to the grind. I took a couple of days to celebrate the Michael Jackson case. Not the verdict just celebrate that the damned thing is finally over. And, Please, Santa Barbarans fire that idiot you have as DA. How much did that trial cost the taxpayers?
Arnold is desperate for some PR with his poll numbers crashing, so how about stiffing the taxpayers for a special election in November instead of the one that would be scheduled for June anyway?
Did anyone catch the menu for Gitmo today? The Galloping Gourmet, Duncan Hunter sure made that lemon chicken sound "fingernail pulling good!" This must be California's Week to showcase idiocy.
Republican poll numbers continue to plummet despite efforts by Howard Dean. It seems that Americans finally have had enough of Mr. Bush's Wartime Presidency. Sorry, I never have felt safer due to the invasion of Iraq. Deja Vu all over again..."Waist Deep in the Big Muddy" How many ways can we say "quagmire"?
What good can we possibly get from Guantanamo? Another reason for the rest of the world to hate us. Another hypocritical view of American Democracy. Gee, we don't need to go out of our way to make enemies. Mixed messages from this adminsitration sure had me confused until President Cheney put his foot down. "We ain't closing it." I guess W misspoke.
Apologies are what they are. Since the U.S. Senate decided that it was time wrap itself in sack cloth and ashes and flog itself over lynchings, the least our Senators could have done was support it. Do ya think we might could apologize to the Native Americans too, for something?
Did anyone catch the Frontline repeat on PBS tonight? It was on the "Evil Empire," Wal-mart. It seems they aren't always the lowest price, always. :) or (: What you save on that cheap TV made in Korea, you likely make up in taxes to pay for healthcare for Walmart employees. Probably have lost a job or know someone who has lost a job due to Walmart's heavy handed
practices with suppliers that force many companies to outsource their manufacturing overseas, most likely China.
Local Report:
The DDT is doing a fairly decent job muckraking the water and trash issues. Keep it up. The only sensible thing I have seen so far is trying to get federal money to clear up the water. If Greenvillians allow the council to cut trash pickup in half for the same fees, you only have yourselves to blame.
If my trash collection is cut in half, I will simply cut my payment in half. Fair, right?
I don't think the DDT is doing enough to show what a bad job our local prosecutors are doing on murder trials. Have they been able to cinvict anybody? The Shotgun Lounge shooting should have been a gimme. Plenty of witnesses but Tucker forgot to prove the bad guy was holding the rifle. He won't get my vote the next time.
The Michael Jackson jury was overcome by a massive case of the Orenthal Syndrome----the inability to convict an African American celebrity of an obvious crime.
I believe that Councilman McGee is on record as saying nothing will happen until there is a public discussion over the trash schedule and fees. That should be an invitation to everyone to pack that meeting and express an opinion. Additionally, the DDT needs to follow up. Do they not interview any politicians? Are they not accessible? How about the Public Works Director? There are a lot of questions that could be asked about "the report." Grass roots politics can be effective, it takes getting out of your comfort zone and making policy makers uncomfortable in their zone.
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