Thursday, June 09, 2005

Ya Gotta Love It!

Ah, I love the smell of Greenville garbage in the morning...... News Flash!...... Public Works determines it can save money by charging the same for half the service! Well, Duh! What kind of economic analysis is that?$1 Million Dollar savings...over 5 years. That's all? What if we cut the fee in half, what would the savings be? Just a question for all you to ask who will storm City Hall when the matter is brought up for discussion. At least they are going to discuss it! I'm betting the "people" will kill this one. How many tons of trash was it that the volunteers picked up?

DDT - "Let it go, Louie." It's too late. If DRMC wanted to save the Burn Center, they would have been raising hell with the Legislature and the Guv'ner long before now. If there is to be a Burn Center it will be in Jackson, because DRMC really doesn't want it here. Or, there is some small possibility that DRMC is managed by cretins.

on to the state of Miss'ippi
Lester Spell seeks refuge in the GOP. Has been politico, Lester Spell has turned tail and sought asylum in the Republican Party, a move cheered by Democrats and sent Republicans scurrying around to find out who said anyone was welcome. Will the GOP give Lester the same warm greeting and money that they gave Amy? Stand by, a beef plant may be in your future.


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