Monday, May 23, 2005

Republican Malaise

A deal seems to have been made to avoid the "nuclear option" in the U.S. Senate. Fourteen Senators representing both sides have reached a compromise to allow "up or down votes" on some nominees but not all and the Republicans would not seek to eliminate the filibuster. Now either we really have some good statesmen that worked out the deal or the leadership of both parties still could not count their votes. At least there is a solution to this bottleneck and maybe the Senate can get on with taking care of the nation's business. So far we only have legislation that favored "big business". I believe that the latest polls show that the American people are fed up with Congress and that so far the Republican controlled Senate and House have not acted responsibly nor have they addressed the issues the general population is concerned with. As long as the Republican majority is held hostage by its minority evangelical christian base, don't expect much to happen.

It will be interesting tomorrow to see how the debate goes in the House over the stem cell research bill. More than likely the bill will pass the House since many Republicans are supporting the legislation. Senator Frist has indicated that he may not bring the bill up for discussion. How's that different from a filibuster of judges? Doesn't it deserve an "up or down vote" as well? Talk about hypocrisy! After all, stem cell research has far greater long range potential than some judge who practiced law without a license being confirmed, doesn't it?

The Bush White House continues to attack Newsweek blaming them for the loss of lives in Afghanistan in the anti-American rioting, despite what President Karzai says. Who you gonna believe, the White House or your lying eyes? Let's see we haven't exactly been told the truth about Abu Ghrab, Pat Tillman, WMD's, Social Security, Medicare Drug Plan, just to name a few.

The Bush favorability ratings are at the lowest ever in his term. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. His Social Security reform is dead. He has no energy policy. If it weren't for his bad foreign policy, he wouldn't have one at all. It looks as if he will have the opportunity to veto the highway bill and maybe an outside shot at a stem cell research bill. Both of these vetoes will likely spend up all his political capital and he goes quietly into that horrible fate of being "the lame duck President". Good Night, Karl Rove wherever you are!


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