Say it Ain't So!
I thought I would log on and if anything just hit me I would put together some comments on the media, in general. Usually I go to the Delta Scoop blog to see if anything has happened since the morning visit. I was excited to see that LR had posted something for Tuesday until I started reading. LR, say it ain't so! Local Reflector is packing it in and taking what I consider a valuable tool for people to express opinions on local issues. The problem is, LR's readers haven't taken advantage of the blog to openly discuss those issues.
As LR pointed out, the difference between LR and Red Dog is that LR provided a service, a forum to discuss the local issues under the veil of anonymity. LR would give a thought, opinion, ask a question, looking for intelligent discussion about the local scene. I never saw him do anything to offend but he did challenge people on their comments when required. Red Dog, on the other hand, writes to give you my opinion and take on the world. You don't have to agree with me and you can challenge me if you want. I blog for my own personal, selfish reasons. I refuse to talk about the mayor's bodyguard, I don't care if she has a whole squad guarding her, it's not important. The economy of Greenville and it's future, and what some of the solutions might be are important. Yet, most of what was posted on Delta Scoop were nothing but vicious attacks on people under the shield of being anonymous. Mainly in the form of a one or two liner statement that was often misspelled, incoherent, babble.
LR, I thank you for what you tried to do. It's puzzling to me, as well, but not too surprising. As I wrote in one of my comments to you, Greenville is like moving into a time warp. I don't care how many times I leave and come back, it's just like the movie "Groundhog Day". If you ever feel the need to "editorialize" feel free to send me an e-mail and I will put it on Red Dog Bites. Hell, it doesn't even have to be "leftist, liberal or lascivious".
The Best of Luck to You!
Your friend,
Red Dog
Red Dog,
Check your email address to answer an inquiry
Local Reflector
Testing the comment box
I have to laugh at you RED DOG not wanting viciuos attacks . You command the lead on personal Attacks . Your slanted way out in left field liberal opinions.
Certainly you don't consider your comments FAIR!! or factual!!!
You must have held the door shut for Bill Clinton & Monica so he couldn't have been intrupted.
Uh-oh. Looks like Billy Bob has found you, Red Dog. He can't pick on the Local Reflector anymore, so you're the recipient of his babbling now! Hey, Billy Bob....put down that rebel flag, get a dictionary, and join the 21st century!
OH God !!!! another liberal I thought this was a red state ?
Red Dog do you still wear your John Kerry Button ?
Red Dog comments sounds like a line from the movie Deliverance.Ummm you weren't wearing the overalls were you and grunting ?
Red Dog, It is a general consencus that the real reason that LR left was because of the bodyguarding of HIS daughter, ther mayoress!!!
We all think that the real editor of LR is and was none other than Victor Mcteer!!
True, the one liners were anuisance and misspelling is horendous, BUT,...this is JUST blogging, not newspaper editorials. Blogging gives the NORMAL populace a chance to use his or her PC to do some editorializing on what their ideas are and what they really would like to see in print. I normally read various blogs, some independant, some democrat, liberal or conservative and some just plain ole people like me!!!
Blogs which offer public commenting (and thank goodness some do) offer the people a chance at participation in issues.
However, it's quite proven around these parts that otherwise intelligent people can act pretty stupidly, say silly things and try sparking discussions on topics that really don't matter to the general population.
We appreciate Red Dog's writing because we appreciate the issues he presents and we enjoy discussing them with him.
The worry over the LR is silly. The darn blog is gone and even if it were Mr. McTeer, these beliefs he operated a blog fly in the face of a commonly held belief - that the mayor's office doesn't care what her "opponents" think.
So, they created a blog to hear what you think? Re-think your position on this LR/Delta Scoop issue. No matter what, you've placed yourself in a position to be upset, angry or conspiratorial. Not only have you cornered yourself, you've built a brick wall!
To the Red Dog - Fire away at your next topic - we enjoyed Social Security.
To the above writer: launch your own blog, take the heat and guarantee there's a blog without conspiracy behind its writing. But, that takes guts.
Otherwise, get real and move on - life's precious.
How can you call this a debate when it's all loaded with one sided opinions ?
You have an idot Red Dog trying to play politics.
What's an "idot?"
GEZZZZZ... you do have a mirror ?
Gezzzzzz...Definition? Similar to Jeeeeeez?
Depends on if your from a red state or blue state.
This is one dead blog sight.
Delta Hornet,
You seem to know Red this blog dead or is he getting his computer repaired?
It's a dead blog SITE, not sight. I miss the "intelligent conversation" with the Local Reflector. Can you say "withdrawal?"
Look at the comments and dates my God no one is reading this.
Can someone please tell LR to come back we miss him very much!!!!
How do you know the LR isn't around and awaiting the Red Dog's next commentary?
Why don't one of you launch a blog? They're free to start and only cost you the time to type out your thoughts.
Well, I see in the DDT that the Police are keeping a closer watch on our city's parks! I have requested that police come and see what is going down at Strange Park, but was turned a deaf ear to me. Crack, MaryW and other substances can be seen passing hands on many sides of this park, and speeders travel 35-50 mph when the limit is 20. Somebody ELSE is going to get killed, but I hope and pray NOT. The neighborhood is deterrorating, glass and garbage everywhere, the clean up pride may be going on in other neighborhoods, BUT NOT over here!!!
Keep providing your community service by calling the police. Chances are the exchanges being made there are the small fish and the cops know who they are. Usually they want the bigger guys. The trouble is, that the small guys desire to become the big guys and sooner or later have to be dealt with. Keep the pressure on City Hall, your neighborhood deserves better.
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