Thursday, April 21, 2005

Trent Goes Nuclear

What a Jerk! Trent continues to suck up to the party that castrated him over the Strom Thurmond comments. If he has any testosterone left he should thumb his nose at Frist and Dubyah and become his own man. If he's carrying a grudge over the Charles Pickering nomination, he needs to get over it. Would Pickering have made a fine Federal Judge? Probably, but he even took his name out of the running, knowing that the battle over his nomination was not for the overall good of the country.

The abuse of power by this Republican Party is sickening. Federal Judges and particularly Supreme Court Judges deserve the greatest scrutiny, not all of them should be confirmed. The question is whether they should have an up or down vote with a majority or super-majority required. The Republicans had no trouble denying Clinton nominees the chance for an up or down vote by refusing to report them out of committee because they held the majority. The filibuster is the only tool that a minority has to exert influence it should not be denied.

In spite of what Trent and Frist would have you believe, changing the rules for "just judges" is not the end of it. These Republicans have shown that they will bend the rules to suit them whenever it is convenient. As the old saying goes "what goes around comes around", the Republicans will not always have the majority, changing the rule now may not play well in the future.

Trent needs to worry less about his political legacy and do the right thing!


At 9:19 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Thanks Hornet, I will add the Public Integrity web site to the blog so readers can keep up with the money trail. Just follow the money and you will know who is in control, sometimes it's more complicated than you think


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