Friday, April 08, 2005

Red Dog's Fleas of the Week

The following are Red Dog's "Fleas Bites" Awards
  1. Mississippi State Government - the whole thing, Governor, Lt. Governor, Senate, House of Representatives for adjourning without approving a budget. High on the list of accomplishments for this session is the "Alligator". Could not come to grips with lack of money to adequately fund state needs. Haley and Tuck refuse to consider taxes or fee increases, House wants $.50 tax increase on cigarettes. "Borrowed" money from the Tobacco Trust Fund to pay Medicaid, no plans for future funding. Renegging on promise to raise teacher's pay. Petty politicking at its worst. We need to cut the fat and raise revenue. No leadership. Red Dog says scratch 'em all off.
  2. Terri Schiavo "Talking Points" memo - Republican staffer for Sen. Martinez (R-FL) fesses up, gets fired. Memo politicizes Terri Schiavo as a hot topic for Republicans to exploit. Frist, DeLay, and Bush all look silly when public tells the government to stay out of our personal lives and tragedies.
  3. Tom DeLay (R-TX) and John Cornyn (R-TX) attack judicial system - DeLay threatens judges with "they will pay, but not today." Cornyn relates violence against judges in Chicago and Atlanta to "judges politicizing". So many fleas here dipping won't help.
  4. ACLU disses Minuteman for harassing illegal immigrant along Arizona border - See I told you they are all fair game. Video tape shows Minuteman giving alien water calling the Border Patrol and giving the illegal $20, just for waving a t-shirt. What's Spanish for "flea?"
  5. 3rd yet to be built casino announces plans for Greenville - Yippee! A total of five (5) count 'em five (5). Didn't know there was so much discretionary income in Greenville/Washington County. That should be worth at least 15 more payday loan companies. Filling up those vacant buildings fast Greenville.

Red Dog says Keep Scratching!!!!!!!!!!


At 3:57 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Your are right Delta Hornet, sadly most people don't care or don't bother to inform themselves on the issues. Or vote one political party all the time, not bothering to find out how their representatives are performing, except through sound bites. Our politicians are not accountable because we don't hold them accountable. Thanks for you thoughts.


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