Sunday, March 27, 2005

About this Blog

I find myself with too much time on my hands sometimes, so I thought I would give the blogosphere a try to channel some of that wasted time. I'm willing to discuss anything with anyone. I don't consider myself an expert in any particular field and certainly not in politics. With that said, all politicians are fair game. Particularly those in Mississippi and the South in general. It's time the regular guy got a fair shake, corporations are ruining this country through our politicians and we have only ourselves to blame. Mississippi is a vast wasteland of ineptness, due mainly to politicians being unchecked. Our Federal Government becoming more and more detached from the taxpayer and hard working citizens. We all have to call their hands and make them represent us more fairly.

To anyone reading this, I hate labels, but I'll go ahead and give myself a few...Democrat (sometimes), liberal (sometimes), pragmatist and idealist. In other words, I like to think for myself and not follow any particular ideology. I can listen to others point of view and I don't always think I have all the answers. Dialogue is healthy. My opinions are strictly my own and I currently support no political candidate for any public office.

Posts other than political are also welcomed. Others are welcomed to rant here too.


At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There seems to be a basic problem with money flow in Greenville. Those that's got it don't want to give it to City Hall or anyone else for that matter. Understandable given the political climate at present. The issue of re-vitalizing downtown Greenville has been a topic for discussion lately. Now I'm not too familiar with the situation there since I moved away some years ago, but I return every now and then hoping to see progress, but not finding any. This is perplexing to say the least. It is inconceivable to me that they (politicos) want to re-vitalize downtown when they can't keep the streets repaired properly. Another mystery is what happens to the taxes generated by the casino on Lake Ferguson. Surely some of this money could be put to better use unless it is disappearing "under the table". As most of us know by now, downtown revitalization takes a very real commitment of time, creativity, and resources. Perseverance comes to mind also. It ani't gonna happen without real leadership by a "mover and shaker" that is trusted by ALL of the citizens. folks, we're talking years, not weeks or days. even worse there are no guarantees of success. A lot of the business people have to take risks that they probably will be uncomfortable with given the present circumstances. On the other hand they can roll up the streets and turn out the lights and let a city that was once the "queen city of the Delta" pass into oblivion. I hope not!!


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