Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Saddam's in Jail, but I sure don't feel safer!!!

Maybe I'm neurotic, maybe I'm too much of a conspiracy theorist, but maybe I'm right.

Somehow I felt less threatened by Saddam Hussein than I do my own government. The probability of me being killed by a terrorist attack in Greenville is miniscule to, perhaps, being shot in a robbery, or mauled in the mall.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) released the Asian Flu virus around the world. They started shipping in September '04 and found out about it in March '05. An accidental act of terrorism? Could have been. Those born after 1968 would have no immunity from a flu pandemic that killed about 4 million people in the 1950's. Ok, so it got out by mistake as part of a lab certification test and they are sorry. I'm supposed to feel good that it took 4000 labs 6 months to find it? These are the people protecting us from biological warfare, finding a cure for the Avian flu, didn't have enough vaccination for this year's flu epidemic?

It took the FBI, 5 years to capture Eric Rudolph. A right wing terrorist, who apparently didn't like anyone and took it upon himself to blow up abortion clinics and the olympics. Ironic that a miserable waste of protoplasm that killed people in the name of "pro-life" should get a life sentence.

Lexis/Nexis and Choicepoint and who know who else has more information on me than my Mama has and has been giving it out to anyone who asks. Social Security numbers, financial data, medical records, kindergarten grades. The government does not even bother to regulate these bozos. Wonder Why?

But we captured Cat Stevens and turned back a Dutch airline going to Mexico with two arabs on the "Do Not Fly" list aboard. We can't stop 3 million illegal immigrants crossing our borders, not all of them are Mexicans coming in to pick grapes. Not even are they all Mexican.

I'm sure glad that this administration is making me feel safer. I hate to think how neurotic I would be if the other guy won.


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