Thursday, April 14, 2005

Well, Flick my BIC!

I couldn't believe it but today I got another reason to feel secure. The TSA, in its vigilance to protect me, banned all cigarette lighters on flights. This is especially important to Red Dog since I am flying to California this weekend. I'll have to leave my $1.09 BIC at home lest it become confiscated contraband of the US Government. That's right, all cigarette lighters are officially considered "hazardous material." Now that the TSA has mastered the anti-terror tactis of frisking granny in a wheelchair, they are now after those known sinister terrorist, smokers.

Senators Dorgan and Wyden sponsored the legislation as part of the anti-terror bill passed in 2004. The rationale was that the "shoe bomber" may have succeeded if he had had a BIC. Well, what's the purpose of everyone taking off their smelly shoes and putting them in the plastic tub to be screened? Are they looking for shoe bombs or odor eaters?

Personally, I have never been on a plane that blew up because a butane lighter exploded in someone's jeans. But let's just say that it could happen. Feeling safe now? It gets better. What I can do, in lieu of taking my BIC on board, is bring four (4) books of matches onto the airplane. Which are not classified as "hazardous materials" as long as they aren't the "strike anywhere" type (which never works). Really, I feel less safe with four (4) books of matches crammed in my blue jeans than I do one BIC. The reason that you need to put four books of matches in your pocket is that only two matches per book are "strikers", but all of them are "burners."

It took the book match makers a long time to get back at BIC, but with the help of the Federal Government, they finally did it. Just have fun and remember, "Close Cover Before Striking."

Red Dog will publish the "Fleas of the Week" later tonight. So, many candidates this week!


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