Friday, April 29, 2005

Dog Bones and Fleas of the Week

I know everyone thinks I just pick on Republicans. Well, O.k., I do. However, Red Dog believes in passing out bones when deserved. I give a bone to Rep. Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House this week for reversing the House rules on ethics investigations so that we can get on with the Tom DeLay matter. Can't Democrats get caught up in this too? Of course, and they should if they are guilty. Lobbyist are a part of the Washington scene, but they need to be regulated and elected representatives should play by the rules. Of course, this is just a small bone, because the ridiculous thing was they changed the rule to begin with just to protect Tom DeLay.

Fleas of The Week
1. Washington Press Corps "Journalists" - What a wimpy bunch of questions they had for the President, Thursday Night. The guy has only had four press conferences before now, surely they could have had questions with some meat in them. "How do you feel the War on Terror is going, Mr. President?" Give me a break.
2. Haley Barbour - Vetoes the bill for the Attorney General to protect Vulnerable Adults, saying the DHS already has an education program to address elderly abuse. Uh, Hello! DHS doesn't prosecute people for abusing the elderly. Anyhow, the bill would have increased fees on speeding tickets, DUI's and littering by $.50 to fund the program. I guess the Guv is truly for no taxes or fees increases. Taxing violators to pay for prosecuting violators seems fair to me. Red Dog says, Never elect a lobbyist as governor.
3. Sen. Bill Frist - Another loser for even giving a hint of support for religious fanatics who want to destroy the Judicial System. Even President Bush distanced himself from these "Pretend Again Christian" groups. I hope none of these groups caught the President and the Crown Prince holding hands in Crawford!
4. Republican controlled Congress 2006 Budget - $106 Billion tax cuts for the wealthy, $10 Billion benefit cuts for Medicaid. The spin goes "The tax cuts are good for the economy and the benefit cuts are actually good for those on Medicaid."

"Been down so long, it looks like up to me."



At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please give me a break are you just scared to say that investing social security is by choice only ? Does it frighten you to add that in ?

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

All I'm saying is that you should not have a choice in investing in social security. Because.....when you lose your ass in the stock market and don't have a decent SS check to fall back on, the only thing you will pass on to your children and grandchildren is for them to take care of your ass.

At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please show me some rearch on that Red Dog. Am sure you can provide that little bit of tat bit .


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