Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Dog Pound

Okay One Line Wonderdogs, This spot's for you!

How can you call this a debate when it's all loaded with one sided opinions ?You have an idot Red Dog trying to play politics.
And what was your opinion?

You must have held the door shut for Bill Clinton & Monica so he couldn't have been intrupted.
When will you people get over the fact that Bill Clinton isn't President anymore? "W" is screwing the whole country!

OH God !!!! another liberal I thought this was a red state ?
Oh, and how many liberals do you know? And, what is your definition of a liberal? Is the red state for "red ink" in the state's budget or the redneck of its Guv'ner? Oh, and I thought Communist China was a 'red state' too. Wake up, Dog!That's where we are heading.

Red Dog comments sounds like a line from the movie Deliverance.Ummm you weren't wearing the overalls were you and grunting ?
Ummm, that would be me strumming the banjo while you were squealing. Do you still go to sleep listening to banjo music?

Please show me some rearch on that Red Dog. Am sure you can provide that little bit of tat bit .
Can anyone interpret this comment? I'm sure this writer at least made it to the 9th grade, 5th grade?.

Please take a look at Bennie Thompson's voting record ?What's his link to the ACLU ?
And what do you have against the ACLU? I know Bennie voted against "Tort Deform", The Bankruptcy Bill and the Energy Bill. How have Thad and Trent voted?

Okay, knock your lights out and keep your one line comments in The Pound!


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