Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Okay, Dogs...........I'm Baaaackk!!

Ol' Red Dog's computer took a bad case of distemper and was on life support for awhile, but that's behind me now, I hope. It took a couple of specialists to get Red Dog back, but whatever magic they performed sure bailed me out.

Take it from Red Dog, some sage advice, back up those files now, before you log off. I've been going to do that for sometime, but always put it off until 'the next time'. Well, there's nothing more sickening than for your computer to lock up and when you have to do a hard start you get a message to the effect "The operating system cannot be found on any files". That my friends, I don't wish on anyone.

Of course it's the pictures that you can't replace. The thought of losing those pictures of the grandkids is just too much. You can bet that Red Dog has a current backup of those pictures on CD now.

Thanks for your patience and your comments. I am pleased that you were able to keep the last string going and hopefully those that come back will engage in the discussion or debate on other issues.

Now, to the Trogs (short for Troglodytes). Take your "one line wonder" comments to a chat room where you might just be the most intelligent species there. Red Dog doesn't need for everyone to agree with him, but if you disagree, tell us your argument so we can debate it intelligently. The rules of the blog are: I am the only one allowed to say "You are an idiot".

One liners will get you a few minutes or couple of hours of exposure on this blog, but when Red Dog gets here, they will be zapped! I would prefer not to talk to "Anonymous" all the time. If you want to make up a name, the comments section will allow you to do that. That way, I'll know when I am talking to the same person, it helps to keep the same train of thought going with a contributor. "Local Reflector" and "Delta Hornet" are two examples. Come on Dogs, be creative.

I will be making up for lost time today and tomorrow, because I will be out of town again this weekend. I may or may not be checking the blog. I plan on being back Monday.


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