Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Just Resting under the Porch

It's good to get away sometimes and just relax, especially when that time involves grandchildren. Red Dog travelled to Eastern Oklahoma over the weekend with a mission, a T-Ball game and a Dance Recital to attend. Now T-Ball is something I definitely know something about, having had all boys, I spent many hours at the ball park. But let me tell you there is nothing as great as watching your granddaughter perform in a dance recital. She's a pro I tell you and not even four years old! Okay, I'm prejudiced. Actually, I am a seasoned dance rectial attendee, last year I had the priviledge of attending my oldest granddaughter's first dance recital, that was my first as well. I told my boys that if I had known then what I know now about dance recitals, I'd had them in tutus instead of cleats. (Not really). The choreography of a three year old's dance and a five year old's T-Ball game is about the same. Some get it, some aren't quite there yet, but they are CUTE! Oh yeah, my grandson hit three 'ropes' from the "T", scored three runs, made a great assist in the field, and no one kept score. I do, however, have pictures.


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