Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Finally Fleas

I know I promised Fleas of the Week, but honestly in my relaxed state, I didn't read a newspaper or watch news on television while I was gone. So I will give a somewhat cursory look at the Fleas since the last time.

1. Vincente Fox - Are we sure he isn't "Curveball"? The guy is a "dork" and certainly has no PC. He insults us by calling us 'vigilantes' (Bush agreed, by the way) and now he makes a slam at the Blacks. His idea of economic development is to send his citizens illegally across our border to work for slave wages and have them send that money back to Mexico so they can pump up their economy. Ross Perot was right that sucking sound is not only our jobs leaving for Mexico, it's the Mexican Presidente.
2. Newsweek - There seems to be a new standard in journalism, "Print the Scoop, We'll Scoop the Poop Later." One of Red Dog's pet peeves is laziness in the national media and the disregard for accuracy. You'd think after the Dan Rather fiasco, that the Press would be more sensitive to getting the facts.
3. United Airlines - Defaulted on their pensions. Not the last company to do so, the Automobile Industry is watching ever so close. The taxpayers take it on the chin, but the retirees are knocked down for the count. Let's see, the scorecard so far is Bush's Big Business Buddies 125 and the hard working little guy 0. But hey, you got your tax cut!
4. Mississippi Special Legislative Session - The Guv'ner calls a special session which we thought would be to pass a budget. It's not even on the agenda, what gives? Sounds like some favors to be handed out first with letting the Meat Plant off the hook, throwing more money at his buds in Momentum Mississippi, maybe making up for his idiotic veto of the Vulnerable Adult Bill. We need to fund MAEP so stop screwing around.
5. The Future is Now - Wow! Five, count 'em Five casinos. Just what we need in good 'ol River City. The payday loan companies are already salivating at the opportunity to expand operations in the "Blues Quarter". Maybe GHEC can get permission and a grant to offer Casino Management courses, God knows the existing ones need it.

Hey, a good thing. Kudos to the Supreme Court for allowing us to order wine from any winery in the country. And to think James Dobson said they were useless! Hah, we need more Judges that appreciate good wine, maybe we'd get better rulings.



At 9:45 AM, Blogger Red Dog said...

I just typically start with national and work my way down to local. There was one glaring omission from the local "flea awards". The probable closing of the Burn Center. One more indictment of the medical community in the Delta. Of course, some of it was self inflicted with the money fraud indictments and convictions last year. However, the root problem is the difficulty in attracting MD's to staff the center and keep it running. Too bad a good idea and badly needed service will soon close up shop. Sadly, it's just a sign of the times.


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