Thursday, June 09, 2005

No News is Bad News

A rare twofer from Red Dog.

The press fails to read its own news sometimes, which is not surprising. Americans are overwhelmingly disillusioned with Congress and the President for taking up issues that really aren't even on most people's radar screens. The press takes some delight in reporting that tidbit, however, what they are missing is that Americans are, also, fed up with the media. Let's look at the big stories the past couple of days:
  • Michael Jackson, ad nauseum. Does anyone really care? How is this news?
  • Howard Dean puts foot in mouth, again, and again. So what? Republicans do all look the same.
  • Judges compromise. Stale, that was weeks ago.
  • Dubyah on Social Security. It's dead and if George keeps talking the Republicans will be dead in next election.
  • Stuck in Lodi, again. Could it be the FBI is cooking this up to get passage of the "Patriot Act?" The charges keep changing. Martha lied to the FBI and got 5 months in the slammer and five months with an ankle bracelet.
Aside..... I love this, wish I had thought of it. Someone referred to the "Patriot Act" and the "We Are Afraid Act." That's what it is, we give up our freedoms because we are afraid. That's not America. Where is your spine! Where is Patrick Henry? "Give Me Liberty,or Give Me Death!" Don't dishonor freedom and patriotism by naming this garbage the "Patriot Act."

Let's follow up on the real stories
  • Downing Street memo. There's more to that.
  • What's the White House hiding by not releasing the data on the Bolton nomination?
  • The attack on health insurance and pension benefits by big business.
  • The rising twin deficits and what no one is doing nothing about.
  • The sneaking of CAFTA through Congress.
  • The crisis in healthcare.
  • Our school system is in shambles and failing.
  • Illegal Immigrants draining our economy.
  • Walmart, the Evil Empire
  • What's the real reason for high gasoline prices?
  • Mr. Bush's Vietnam, the War in Iraq
  • The Battle between the Pentagon and the White House.

Surely someone can find enough information on these topics to report on them with passion and accuracy. That, of course, leaves out Fox News. What this country needs is more "Yellow Dog" journalist. The sad thing is that Congress is doing nothing, but they sure jumped on the Terri Schaivo case with both feet. The media and the people have a responsibility to hold the government accountable. If we won't do it, we deserve the "We Are Afraid Act" (Waaa).


At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man you need to read Ann Coulter. She already hit most of those. And good looking too.

At 7:55 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Come on Nofat, I read Coulter every week for a laugh. She used to be funny, during the election. Lately she has been really stale. I caught her on the Dobbs Report a couple of weeks back. She is just a pseudo-republican. Dobbs asked her why the Republican controlled everything in Washington had run up the largest deficits in history. She said something like, " I don't know, I'm not very economic minded." I did a double take, Is that a Republican? Show me a Republican that can't quote verbatim "The Wealth of Nations" and I'll show you an imposter. I bet she's not even a true blonde!

At 5:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only one way to find out, but she is a little skinny. This article has a good point. At

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Sorry, NoFatCat, I read it but there have been too many commissions that have found nothing. Nada. They only existed in "curveball's" and Dubya's minds.The intelligence was cooked and sold to make a regime change in Iraq.


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