Thursday, July 07, 2005

Sad Day

Today we are all British.

While I have a heart felt sympathy for the Londoners who were attacked today, it's hard not to be angry. Angry at the misguided policy of fighting the "War on Terror" on a piece of sand, half way around the world under the pretense of making the world safer. The attack in London could well have been in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, or any American city. And as we learned today, we are not safer because Saddam is in jail, in fact, we are not safe, at all. If the bombing was the work of Al Qaida, then we must not have taken out the right leaders or they keep growing them faster than we can kill them off.

It gives me no reason to relax because there is no intelligence about an attack in America. Our borders are porous, our ports are inadequately protected, our Homeland Security is a joke and we believe this administration has been doing a great job of protecting us. Pure luck is the only thing that is protecting us from another attack, and I fear the next one will be much more devastating than 9/11.

These people don't hate our freedoms, they just hate us, because they believe we are the evil ones. There is no military or political action that can change that and they will always want to see us dead. Our war in Iraq is a blessing to these people because they are learning how to fight us, they are recruiting and training the terrorists of tomorrow. We can't train the Iraqis to defend themselves, much less defend a foreign concept such as democracy.

Yes, it's a cowardly and dastardly way to fight, killing innocent people. Yet it is effective, by getting into people's heads and making them scared and want for more security and less freedom. It's when we desire less freedom that the terrorists have won. All our military might and battlefield victories haven't overcome the terrorists ability to take the war to Madrid, London, New York and Washington. Maybe the strategy we have undertaken isn't working. Maybe Karl Rove needs to see a therapist.


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