Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Thanks for Your Patience

'Ol Red Dog has been through it, but finally joined the 21st Century computing technology. It was and still is a painful process to upgrade. I still have files and programs to move over to this computer, so I'll be spending the next week trying to do that and learn the XP software. Hopefully, the computer "fleas" are gone now.

Thanks to the few of you who have continued to check for postings and your patience. I know you thought Red Dog had gotten "lockjaw" and "writers block", neither of which is true. I got plenty to say and will get caught up. So much has happened in the past two weeks, I don't know where to start. Here's a few scraps.

Supreme Court Nomination - I have a favorite. Alberto Gonzales. He appears to be hated by the extremists, both left and right. So that must make him a pretty good candidate, despite the "torture memo". He has been confirmed for the AG so his nomination shouldn't be that contentious and there is no need for Dr. Fristenstein to invoke the Nuclear Option.

Bush Address to the Nation - Weak. No plan. No time table. Just spend another $600 Billion for nothing. Sick and tired of hearing 9/11 invoked every time he speaks on Iraq. There was no link between Hussein and Al Qaida, but morons still want to believe that there was.

Window Tint - All you "J.T. and Dave" listeners, I hope you got your window tint inspected. It's scary to know that these people are voters.

Scrushy Trial - Can you say hallelujah! and amen!? If in Mississippi it's "Jackpot Justice" in Alabama it's "High on Pot Justice." What is it about lyin', cheatin', and stealin' that Alabamans don't understand? And it's not even football or basketball season!

Oil Still Gushing - $3 a gallon by the end of the year? Write it down. Bush and Congress still refuse to address the issue head on. Nothing in the Energy Bill gives relief to us common folk.

The Guv'ner - Finally got his Momentum Mississippi passed. How many more special sessions will we need? At what cost?

Just a few things off the top of my head. Feel good that Red Dog is back, looking out for you. As always, I welcome your feedback and comments. Well, some of it.


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