Thursday, June 16, 2005

Diagnosis: Necrosis

Dr. Fristenstein spent a whole hour reviewing video tapes of Terri Schaivo and diagnosed that she seem to be "cognitive and aware of her surroundings." He is a shining example of why we need to retain the right to sue medical malpracticing hacks. A.) She was blind and B.) If she could see anything, she wouldn't have a clue of what it was. Sounds pretty much like the same diagnosis for the Republican controlled everything in Washington.

Some Republican Congressmen are beginning to see the light or maybe beginning to sense an election is coming up soon. It's about time we set a timetable for withdrawal of our troops in Iraq. After all, the insurgency is in its "last throes." Really? Now we learn that Iraqi troops may not be ready for another two years to defend themselves. Another "puppet democracy" built by American politicians that cannot sustain itself and can only survive with our continued occupation. Appears that the "Pottery Barn Principle" is working, after all.

Bush is redirecting his efforts to "educate" us about the economy and Iraq. Meaning his poll numbers are way down and his do nothing congress is beginning to push back. Red Dog told you, the party is over. Mr. Bush is the earliest "Lame Duck" President since Richard Nixon.

Republicans in Congress unite with Democrats to change "Library" provision of the "We Are Afraid" Act (aka Patriot Act). Republican Congressional leaders are out of touch with their members. It's good to see Hastert, Delay, and Frist (Curly, Larry, and Moe) sweat for a change.

Where are the Democrats? Most have been missing in action. Now is the time for pushing an agenda if they have one. Just being anti-Bush ain't gonna hack it. The poll numbers for the President and the Congress are down due to their own hands, not by any great platforms from the Democrats. Let's get a real agenda on: Illegal immigration, medical insurance, prescription drug affordability, the economy and jobs, gasoline prices, an energy policy, global warming, funding stem cell research, homeland security, etc. Those things that really matter to the American People. Republicans have already beat up on the average middle class citizen through passage of the "Tort Reform Act" and the "Bankruptcy and Consumer Protection Act", it's time for someone to stand up for the middle class.

Could extremism be over, for both the Right and the Left? Nah, probably not.


At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush's numbers are off you say what about Dean's?
from Powerline.
Dean's Approval in Tailspin

From Real Clear Politics:

THE DEAN DIVE: There's been a lot of talk about President Bush's sagging poll numbers, but not so much talk about this:

Howard Dean Favorable Ratings

Poll__________________Favorable_____Unfavorable______+/- Diff

Fox News (6/14-15)______23______________41____________-18

Rasmussen (6/13-14)_____25______________40____________-15

There's no trend on the Rasmussen poll but on the FOX poll Dean's favorable rating is down ten points since the beginning of March and his unfavorable rating is up nine.

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, once a week don't cut it, Dude. Gimme some game! I need give and take!


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