Friday, July 08, 2005

Depends on Your Definition of .....

So, the Bush War on Terror is a failure. Aren't we suppose to be "fighting them over there so we won't have to fight them over here?" England is close enough to "here" to be "here." It will be interesting to see what spin the President puts on the London bombings on Monday in his address at Quantico. I'm sure he will say we are winning, but it takes a lot of "hard" work. His job is to "lead" in the war to "stamp out" terrorists. I'm sure he will say he will not "cut and run" and those who gave their lives have not "died in vain." How many cliches do you think he will recycle in his speech? Maybe he will tell us the bombings are proof that the terrorists are in their last "throes."

Let's review why we are in Iraq.
  1. Weapons of Mass Destruction - Not!
  2. Saddam attacked us on 9/11 - Well, Bush planted that seed.
  3. Saddam was a miserable dictator - Agree, but so are a lot of other rulers who are in fact our allies. So was Saddam once. Remember Rumsfeld kissing up to him during the Iran thing?
  4. The Iraqi people will be better off - Maybe we should ask them. They'll greet us with flowers and candy. Their oil will pay for the reconstruction.
  5. The Iraqis want freedom and democracy - They are only free with our military being there. "We had to save the village from terrorists by destroying it."
  6. We'll fight the war on terror "over there" instead of here - There were no terrorists in Iraq prior to our invasion. London and Madrid are not "over there."

In the meantime, Usama bin Laden is still running loose. Al Qaeda has morphed into a more difficult enemy. Americans now have less freedoms than they had before 9/11 and we are not any safer now than we were then.Remember, 9/11 happened on Bush's watch, despite warnings from the CIA that he chose to ignore. He was already focused on taking out Saddam and invading Iraq. If we had killed or captued UBL in Afghanistan, the country would have had less of an appetite to preemptively invade Iraq. So, we backed off the hunt for bin Laden and went after a less formidable foe.

So, our President lied to us for the reasons we invaded Iraq. He has no exit strategy (sounds like a quagmire). He made the intelligence fit the policy (Downing Street Memos). Plus, he put off our allies (forget about the "Coalition of the Willing"). All in all, he seems rather inept.

Rumsfeld needs to resign and Congress needs to start impeachment proceedings against Mr. Bush. After all, if a Democratic President had made these lies and blunders, you can bet your ass that a Republican Congress would have already started the proceedings.


At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog you always look to the left. Try seeing the Right side for a change.
This site:

does a better job than the

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

I'm guessing the rest of the comment was the HuffingtonPost? Just for you, I will add radioblogger to the sites on the right side of the blog. Just to show you that I am more "fair and balanced" than Faux News. Check out sometime when you are bored.

At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we learn"There have been 30 major mass casualty attacks directed against the United States, Britain, France, Spain, Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania, India, Iraq, Morocco, Yemen, Tunisia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and North Osetia. 14 of the 30 attacks were conducted prior to the invasion of Iraq, making claims of the occupation of Iraq as a casus belli for al Qaeda’s terrorism to be disingenuous at best. 4,895 people have been killed in these attacks, and 12,345 plus have been wounded. The majority of the countries attacked are Muslim countries. And although not stated, the vast majority of the victims of al Qaeda's violence are Muslims.". this comes from the following link:
Which also has a flash presentation of the attacks since 1998. Yeah that DailyKos is a real riot/not.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

I'll give you your facts straight up, but what does that have to do with anything about terrorists? Terrorists have been around as long as there has been organized society. John Brown was a terrorist. Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist.

Bin Laden fought the Soviets in Afghanistan with our support. The Irish Republican Army are terrorists.

Here's the history question of the day. In what country were the terrorist training in prior to September 11? A. Afghanistan, B. Iraq, C. Tunisia, or D. The United States

Oh, is causus belli any relation to melvin belli (sorry, everytime I see that term flashes of Melvin cross my eyes.)


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