You know I Hafta
Go vote for CAFTA
And collect my dough.
I voted for NAFTA
You got the Shafta
And away we go!
Way to go Trent and Thad! When will you start representing your constituents instead of Big Business Lobbyists? More jobs that will not be coming to Mississippi. It's time for a change.. You can fool some of the people some of the time.
Top Flea of the Week:
Bethany Christian Services - Policy against Catholic couples adopting children. I guess Catholics are not Christian. This faith based organization also receives money from car tag sales in Mississippi.
Other noteworthy items:
- Chief Justice Rehnquist tells all speculators to "Kiss Off and leave me alone."
- Who is leaking the Grand Jury investigation testimony on the leaks? Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald seems to have problems, I think Republicans have a special team for that, they called themselves "The Plumbers." I think they are all out of jail now.
- Apparently the British Bombers were of Pakistani descent, didn't the Pentagon state that they had intel that they may have been supported by Zarqawi? I heard that, I know I did. The British brand of terrorists just doesn't seem to be the same ones blowing themselves up in Iraq. Maybe we need to invade Pakistan next.
- Kudos to the DDT for a good editorial on the state of the city. However, this tri-state mecca for medical care is a big farce and "don't get too far out there", DRMC needs to give more justification for building a new facility South of town and what will they do with the older ones, at what cost? Great to point out that service sector jobs won't hack it and that when companies like Textron move in and bring all their management and professional people with them it really doesn't do much to help the local economy.
- Baxter got their welfare check today from the Special Session, will probably take another session and another $35,000 to approve Northrup Grumman's $56 Million.
As usual keep scratching and have a great weekend. I once had a History teacher that always told us on Friday's to "Go out and make history."
Just be careful out there, ya hear?
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