Thursday, July 21, 2005

Red Dog Reporting

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) in a Faux News interview compares John Roberts to Jesus Christ, calling Roberts the "greatest person there is." Uh, Orrin, did you read the part about Jesus throwing the money changers out of the Temple? This is great news for Liberals, that means Roberts is against Big Business and for the poor and down-trodden and the gasp! minorities. What a great choice! Why I bet Roberts even feels that Roe v. Wade is settled law and would not consider over turning that decision. That makes him a pro-Choice Justice. Referencing a previous post, Orrin Hatch must be an alien, check out the ears and eyes and incoherent speech the next time you see him.

On the religious front, Bethany Christian Sevices reverses policy and decides that Catholics are "Christian." What a bunch of hypocrits! Their board in a unanimous decision decided that Catholicism did fit their religious values, whatever they are.

President's Energy Policy got a big boost today from the House of Representatives. Daylight Savings Time is being extended by three weeks. That's right from the second week in March to the first week in November. Representative Upton (R-Mich) declared that all the children are excited that they can get one more hour of trick or treating in on Halloween. Really, I'm not making this up, go check it out.

The House, also, passed an extension of the Patriot Act after the new London bombings were announced. This is true to form for the rats that run for shelter every time a Cessna flies into the "no fly" zone over the Capitol. The "We Are Afraid" Act will have to be conferenced with the Senate version passed earlier. --Those who will give up freedom for security, deserve neither.

Condi Rice's entourage in Sudan gets manhandled by Sudanese Guards. Andrea Mitchell gets forcibly removed from the room. I wonder how Sudanese currency will be doing in the morning? Condi was outraged and demanded and got an apology. Hell, Madeline Albright would have simply opened a can of "Whupass" now that's diplomacy.

Pentagon report says Iraq's police and military are not capable. Two Hundred Billion Dollars and they aren't capable of what? Seems to me, desire is the first step to being trained to defend one's country. Also, the Shiites version of the Constitution severely restricts the rights of women. Is this the Bush Democracy we went to war over?

New York City police will start randomly checking bags in the transit system. Can you imagine 4 Million New Yorkers slowing down to have a bag checked? Also, the Mayor says there will be no racial profiling. Well, in New York, what exactly does that mean? It is the big melting pot.

On the local level, the County Supervisors should stop trying to get some political press over the Burn Center. Where were they when the Hospital Board was deciding to close it? The Burn Center is gone, give it up, DRMC will not reopen it. Stop wasting time. The Appian Way was built in less time than the replacement to the Fish Lake Bridge.

Oh, and Greenvillians. The water is dirty. Brown water is only an inside joke and it is not funny to the rest of the world who have and are used to clear water. It represents the city to tourists and business just like the trash on the street does. So get a life about the water and clean it up.


At 9:39 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Great work Popeye. Maybe you should contract Diebold and sell them that your product can sniff out democratic voters before they actually vote, I bet you could get some funds then!


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