Let the Games Begin
John Roberts, not exactly a household name. No real track record, only two years on the apellate court. So we don't know too much about him. Given there are no real "surprises" lurking out there, he should get confirmed. I know the extreme left is not happy, but believe me, it could have been worse. I think I even saw a list with Kay Bailey Hutchinson on it!
Roe v. Wade will probably stand up for now, and the Democrats shouldn't waste a lot of energy opposing the nomination (unless there is some "surprise"). The real battle will come when Rehnquist decides to leave. So, my advice to Dems is to confirm the guy and get back to the real issue at hand.........Plamegate and the lying White House.
I'm sure there will be overkill coverage on the nomination from the news networks over the next several days (barring any "dead blonde" stories), but until the Judiciary Committee starts its hearings there's not much to talk about. No blood in the water, yet. There's still plenty of blood in the water on the Rove story. Do ya think the President had an incentive to get the Roberts' nomination out today?
Have no fear, Red Dog will be vigilant in finding out just who John Roberts really is and why he says an 'enemy combatant' is whoever the President says it is. We're back to the definition of "is."
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