Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Investigate the Investigator

Day 1414 - Osama is still Wanted: Dead or Alive!

So what does the Senate Intelligence Committee want to do?

Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) thinks he needs to hold hearings to help the CIA determine what "covert" means. In other words help the Special Prosecutor in his case and solve the issue of whether or not Karl Rove, et. al. committed a crime by outing someone who was a "paper pusher." A couple of things smell here: Shouldn't we be enraged that during a time of "war" (the President's definition) that an agent of our intelligence agency is outed and it's not a treasonable offense? What's more, we know who outed the agent and no one is in jail except one reporter who never wrote a story outing the agent! Why is the Senate Intelligence Committee getting involved on Senator Roberts whim unless he feels it is more important to protect some WH aide than a CIA Agent?

Let's review again, this administration's record:
  • Our country was attacked on 9/11 while the President was preoccupied with being on vacations and ousting Saddam Hussein.
  • This adminsitration made the case for war in Iraq based on their possession of WMD's and capability of using them against us.
  • Just when bin Laden was about to be captured or killed, we stopped the pursuit and invaded a country that posed no threat to us.
  • This adminstration lied to the American Public and to the Congress of the United States about the need to go to war.
  • The intelligence was "cooked" to justify the war (Remember Colin Powell's presentation to the U.N.?)
  • The cost of operation in Iraq is $1 Billion each and every day.
  • This administration outed a CIA Agent in time of war.
  • The policies of this administration regarding POW's resulted in the total embarassment of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.
  • The President donned a flight suit and declared "Mission Accomplished" in 2003.
  • The Iraqi democratic constitution denies rights to women.
  • The "coalition of the willing" is no longer willing.
  • The Vice President declares the "terrorists" are in their last throes.
  • Where is the oil money from Iraq's oil going?

Maybe it's time for a real investigation to take place and, to think, all Clinton did was to lie about having sex in the White House. I believe it was Pat Roberts that said lying and perjury were serious offenses, maybe even "impeachable." No one died from the Clinton lie.

"Waist deep in the Big Muddy and the Big Fool says to Push On!"


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