Bumbling British Bobbies

How many of the above suspects are Brazilian?
After being impressed with the initial British Intelligence over the bombings, I am now skeptical that they have a f---ing clue. First they tell us they are linked to Pakistan, well sort of, except they were all British citizens, three of them born there and one from somewhere else. Then they tell us the person they killed (five shots to the head and torso) was "linked" to the bombings. Now we find out the guy was a Brazilian, and not even Muslim and had no relationship to the bombings. Of course, our crack Army Intelligence said the bombings were linked to Zarqawi. The Brits did manage to say "Oops, Sorry!" Londoners not only have to worry about terror bombings, but risk being snuffed out by their own police. Is there a color code for that?
Pakistan Prime Minister Masaraf told Prime Minister Blair, in an interview, to "run your country and I'll run mine."
Question I'd like to ask Tim Russert tomorrow:
So, Tim, "Scooter" Libby testified to the Grand Jury that you gave him Valerie Plame"s name. You testified to the same Grand Jury that you didn't reveal her name to him. Which one of you is lying?
Thanks.Popeye you're always welcome.
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