Sunday, August 21, 2005

Strong Odor of Mendacity

"We're not winning".....Chuck Hagel (R-Neb)
Chuck must have picked up the wrong talking points memo. A Republican Senator has broken ranks with the "stay the course" crowd and tells it like it is. I love it when Reps start in-fighting. But Chuck, you better get prepared for the "Swift Boaters." Hagel, another Vietnam Veteran, will be smeared by the "Three Amigos" Draft Dodgers for being unpatriotic and hating our freedoms. Anyhow, my tail wags for you Sen. Hagel. And from Red Dog to the Dems.."You need to grow some cujones, too."

Dead Wrong
A good documentary tonight on CNN. Does this mean that the missing blonde story is dead? If you missed it, watch the rerun. Dog loved it to see the replay of the "misstatements" from Cheney, Bush, Rice, and Powell in the run up to war. Watch Condi's lips quiver when she is lying about the aluminum tubes and the "mushroom clouds." Of course, CNN lets the WH off the hook and jumps on the fall guy, George Tenet. Anyhow, CNN did some real reporting on this special. There is nothing new here, but old lies are hard to distance yourself from sometimes. Especially lies that send this country to war.

Interesting comment from LR:
"I see the platforms of both major political parties shifting. Ten years ago, it was Republicans clamoring for a balanced budget - today, it's the Democrats. Tough illegal immigration policy was safely in GOP hands - now Bill Richardson leads the Dems in declaring it a "State of Emergency" (which it is). It fascinates me and disheartens me in philosophical stroke. Ideologies shouldn't change so rapidly and, yes, ten years is a rapid change in political parties' "core" values."

I'll add another to the list. Who would have thought the Democrats would push welfare reform and the Republicans would push a Medicare Drug Plan. Of course the Repubs were never against welfare, they just felt the wrong people were getting it. Now they control where it goes and it goes to the rich and BigCorp.

The Republicans are masters at the shell game by attracting the religious right on the social issues of gay rights,stem cell research, and abortion, while fleecing the same constituency to fund the coffers of the drug companies and HMO's. Oh, and LR, I used a couple of "code words" - Strict constructionist - anti-gay and anti-abortion supporters and privacy - a woman has the right to determine what happens to her body and whatever consenting adults agree to is no one's business, especially the government.

I'll have to get back to you on the rest of your comments, but I do agree that those who only pay the minimum deserve what they get, however, personal debt in this country is $2.1 Trillion and a 2-4% default is $40 - $80 Billion. It is a huge problem!

Did anyone see Trent on MTP today? Looks almost like he took a swipe at Bush on the run up to war, but weaseled his way out of it. Some of the blogs on the left were saying he "let the cat out of the bag," but I think Trent knew exactly what he was doing. (He doesn't always.) He's still pissed about the Speaker thing. The funniest line I saw today was that Lott wrote a book called "Herding Cats and Frist is writing a book called "Hurting Cats." heh, get it...?

Cat, would you do us a favor? Find out what Lush smells like tomorrow and give us a report. If he would spend more time on his scoop stories and less time on the BS stories, he might could make a decent reporter. He's got to be writing a book, a mystery, because again, I read it and say WTF?


At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, I agree about Lush. WTF Sunday? By the way read about the good things in Iraq and don't be so negative.
Melanie Morgan
KSFO, San Francisco
Chairman, Move America Forward
She has an account you don't see much.
Herding cats, hurting dogs

At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got to learn HTML.

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Thanks for the link to the article. I'm not good with html either, but we will make do.

Cat, I in no way have any disrespect for the men and women in uniform fighting the war in Iraq or Afghanistan or anywhere else. Hell, I wore the uniform during an unpopular war, which I never did support. I never went to Nam, but had many friends who did but never came back. This war takes on the same flavor as Vietnam, a bad taste.

The real travesty is how we treat our military after they have served. Veterans get the short end of the stick when it comes to medical care. Remember, all soldiers in a war zone are casualties,whether they have physical wounds or psychological wounds.

My attacks are at the top. People who don't see the daily tragedies and are insulated from the death and destruction. Why are we still trying to get the right body armor? Why are some people starting their third rotation? What's the plan for disengagement? What is the "noble cause?"

Support the troops, it begins with the Commander-in-Chief

At 10:01 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

This is too good LR, I gotta get back to this. You must have posted while I was composing tonight's piece. But before I sign off, please understand that I have great respect for David Lush's writing and for awhile I thought he was the only person at the "Greenville Paper" that could write or did write. I guess my nature is not writing "veiled columns that are carefully constructed political attacks." Buth then I'm not in the business of selling papers

My point is maybe 2% of the readership gets it. So what's the point?

At 6:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lush has his own agenda, but it's not a political one.

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, Thanks for your military service. I did not intend to critize you just to point out a more objective view of the WOT.Nofatcat

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

That's what we're here for and the freedom we have to be able to do this is precious. Free speech is what it is, a right. It's the mindset of the lady that wrote the letter to the editor in the CL today, calling the use of free speech treason that frightens me. These people are either stupid or very dangerous or both. Hell, even 'Ol Pat had the right to say what he did and we have the right to criticize it.


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