Friday, August 05, 2005

Stumblin', Bumblin', Fumblin'

Approval Ratings for Bush: (from AP/Ipsos)

Iraq 38%
Domestic Issues 37%
Economy 41%
Foreign Policy 47%

Overall 42%

On the CIA/Plame Leak:

Telling the entire truth 12%
Hiding something 55%
Mostly lying 22%

The "lame duck" president's legacy will be 9/11 and Iraq. Stumbling, Bumbling, we settle into that long Vietnam-like quagmire.

and there's more.......
  • Republicans squeak by in Ohio - on the election to replace Bob Portman. The district Portman got 70%, the Republican candidate won by only 4%. Iraq veteran and anti-war candidate Paul Hackett nearly pulled off the upset. Dems take cannot be Republican-lite and expect to win.
  • Bush promotes teaching "Intelligent Design" - as the antithesis of evolution. A great "wedge" issue for his base. So far, he has ignored the science on global warming, stem cell research, and evolution. I take it science wasn't one of his better subjects.
  • Novak walks off CNN set - did Cajun Carville put the heat on Novak, causing him to say "that's bullshit" and walk off, or was it that he knew Ed Henry was about to ask him about Plamegate? I think the reporter "'doth protest too much."
  • Hiroshima - 60 years ago the world entered the "Nukular " Age. Can you name the only country that has ever used a nuclear weapon?
  • Zawahiri irks Bush - Question. Why is that "fat bastard" still alive making videos? Answer. Bush invaded Iraq.

Go out and make some history this weekend and remember "Little Milton"

"The Blues is Alright"


At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, The LR's giving you what fer. I couldn't have agreed more. Cox & Forkum has a good editorial that shows the way MSM (main street media) thinks. This is much bigger than PlamGate.
Cox & Forkum here:

At 7:00 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Sheesh! You guys give me a break! It's Sunday and I can't even get a fresh donut in this town (I'd kill for a Krispy Kreme) and someone slipped the Kool-aid in the communion for you guys.

I don't know about "bed-wetting" LR, but I would hike my leg on a Shrub! (I still crack myself up sometimes) I would have a solution except the people I pay for making solutions are all on vacation. 319 days in 5 years! I know, I know "It's hard work." And Haley is in Japan learning how to say "Sayonara" to the Mississippi education system.

I'm puzzled by the foreign relations policy as well. The only thing I figure is that his base still believes al Quaida is a country in the Middle East.

I do agree the most pressing domestic issue is the tax code and deficit reduction. How do you fight a war by giving generous tax cuts to your constituents? If it's a serious war, people should make serious sacrifies to pay for it. The cost is about $5 Billion per month. We are financing our war and our economy by the credit card. Part of the ownership society, our children and grandchildren will own a huge debt!

The unemployment numbers are bogus. How many people are working? About the same as July 2000. What we had no population growth? 3 Million manufacturing jobs have been lost. Some of the slack is taken up by a 1.5 million increase in government employees. Hardly a case for small government is it?

With pork legislation from the energy bill and the transportation bill, it's easy to see who the big contributors are in Washington and if Bennie has only made $10 Million, he should seriously consider changing parties, because the Republicans are definitely doling out the corporate welfare by the billions.

I suppose all CIA agents live in alleys and wear cloaks and only come out at night and are part of the witness protection program. The Plame affair has the potential of being much more serious than Watergate. We're talking potentially treason in the time of war. The CIA didn't call for the investigation for no reason. (Note to NFC: The CIA is calling for the investigation not the MSM or the Democrats)

And what else? Politicians have slime on them some just slimier that others, i.e Delay, Hastert, the dude from California. Yeah, I could name some of the other party too.

Didn't make a value judgement on the A-bomb just stated a fact. But we have plenty of them now and are aware of the consequences.

As for the Brits having it right. I don't think so! A Brazilian does not a terrorist make, neither does dark skin. What about Timothy McVeigh? Besides can you identify the people crossing the border illegally from Mexico as being Mexican or Brazilian, or al Quaidian?

Gitmo and Abu Ghraib are not exactly portrayals of American Culture or is it? Trail of Tears, Nisei impoundment in California. If they can make us change who we are, then they have already won.

NFC (NoFatCat) go back to sleep.


At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some folks just aren't happy if they can't complain about SOMETHING.

Count your blessings.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

Great Country isn't it?

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok Dog ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. By the way you saying the CIA called for the Special Prosc? Don't think so.

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Red Dog said...

NoFatCat - From Wikipedia release on timeline:

26 September 2003: At CIA Director George J. Tenet's request, the Justice Department begins looking into an allegation that administration officials leaked the identity of an undercover CIA officer to a journalist, an aggravated felony punishable by up to three years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Who did you think asked for it, Clinton? You should really take a break from Wingnut publications, The truth is out there.


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